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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. That's a quite a bit of work for a Saturday like
  2. Sifu


    F***ing hell, can you imagine the reaction if we signed him......
  3. Liverpool fans seem to think we're paying him £60k p/w That's £130k p/w between him and Ba then :omg:
  4. Feck sake like! At least a team out of the top 6 gets a mention
  5. More pointless stats: @OptaJoe Opta Sports 148 – Newcastle United caught their opponents offside 148 times in the PL last season, the highest of all teams. Trap.
  6. If fit, Ben Arfa will more than likely be in the starting 11. That I am confident of
  7. "The next free transfer signing will be........." Another player from Ligue 1
  8. Vive la révolution française tbh. Il est temps de parler français encore à mon avis..........
  9. Thinking about it now actually, if the club is happy enough with Marveaux's injury record to take a risk on, then Ashley may think that we don't need N'Zogbia? I don't know like, would still love to see Zoggy back at the club.
  10. It's the fact they're saying we're just being financially wreckless and wasting money on a long contract I find hilarious. Yes, WE'RE the financially wreckless ones. Not the club that's just spend £55 million Jordan Henderson and Andy Carroll. f***ing wall-pushing mongs. Well said.
  11. Just had a look at Marveaux from some YT clips, looks like a very talented player indeed.
  12. Erdinç, Matuidi and N'Zogbia next please!
  13. I'm not liking the latest rumours about Colo. A definite must-keep.
  14. Pre-season should be fun! Will be certainly interesting to see what Pardew has lined up tactic-wise.
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