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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Barton is an idiot like but I would like him to stay.......
  2. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Now that it's confirmed, would just like to repeat what I said last night really. Fantastic servant for the club and I definitely wish him all the best. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-D4ETKzWKvpE/TZeORCVEuZI/AAAAAAAAAGs/sxZYolMydfY/s1600/toon+2.jpg
  3. Sifu

    Mass Exodus

    And another thing, it's still mid-June FFS. Plenty of time to sign players! Though I do agree with this: Communication between the board and the fans has been absolutely p*ss poor and is something that should be addressed. Bring back Mort tbh.
  4. Sifu

    Mass Exodus

    Awfully negative post there, even by this forum's standards. In short, no there won't be a mass exodus imo. We certainly won't be selling Tiote, that I'm sure of. EDIT: I also see you have blown Barton's tweets out of proportion
  5. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Don't say things like that
  6. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Aye, so oldtype's post was uncalled for really. I'm looking forward to seeing Ben Arfa in action again this coming season! Will be an incredible asset if he gets through the season injury-free.
  7. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    First time I've heard this. MacDonald does talk sh*** most of the time, so I pretty much ignore anything he says these days.
  8. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Eh? How on earth was that remotely cuntish? It was the first time I've seen that video too.
  9. Nice to hear that our youngsters are just as inept as the senior squad Quite frankly, the sooner this England setup goes (Capello, Pearce et al), the better it is for future.
  10. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Me, gdm and mimi will set up our own forum. Then I'll ban gdm and spend all my days creeping on mimi. Fine by us. Just make sure you take James with you...
  11. Ah this news has made me feel better after the Nolan saga.
  12. This is a bit closer actually: http://www.wigan.vitalfootball.co.uk/forum/photos/get-photo.asp?photoid=513
  13. This is the closest I could find: http://img.skysports.com/11/05/496x259/N-Zogbiasmilry800_2597867.jpg
  14. He sort of backtracked in the SSN interview so that may just save him.......
  15. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Whilst I still don't agree with the transfer, I can understand the reasoning behind it for both the NUFC board and Nolan. I've got no ill feelings towards Nolan mind so good luck to him. Thanks for the last two years, I shall miss the Chicken Dance.
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