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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Danny Simpson, you know it makes sense http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4148/5078317739_f12c4b2d73.jpg
  2. Sifu


    He was joking. rioferdy5 Rio Ferdinand Too many jumped in #2footedtackle ! The rivalry is strong in the midlands so the response from the fans doesn't surprise Maybe he's "pretending" that it was a pisstake just to make himself look clever.
  3. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    The perception on here is that he's barely any better than James Perch. As usual the truth is somewhere in between. He'd have remained an excellent squad member even if not starting every game.
  4. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    It was what he had done in the last two years that generated such sentiment imo. He made a massive contribution in the Championship in getting us back up and all that. Then he scored 12 goals last season, 3 of which were against the Mackems in one of the highlights of the season. Without his goals, we would have arguably went down. Or with a decent midfielder that contributed more to our general play we might have finished top half. We were two minutes away from the top half. With a better midfielder instead of a passenger for the majority of the season who's to say we wouldn't have got it comfortably? If's, but's and maybe's etc. It was touch and go last season. The main goal was surviving really so finishing 12th was decent enough even though we could have finished 9th. Nolan was a key player last season, yes he was often a passenger in games but he had a knack of being at the right place at the right time to score goals. Goals wins you games strangely enough. So why are there not Premiership clubs fighting over his signature if he's so good? Stoke, Everton and Fulham were reportedly interested. Fair enough, Nolan's general play leaves a lot to be desired but he was "right" for us somehow. So does he see West Ham a better option to them or can't they afford what West Ham are paying? Or was it paper bollocks? Probably the latter tbh, guess West Ham were prepared to offer the terms Nolan wanted - ie. a long-term contract compared to the contract we offered him (only a year's extension). My general feeling is we should have rejected any offer that came in for Nolan. I'd have been content in letting him run down his contract and leave on a free.
  5. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    It was what he had done in the last two years that generated such sentiment imo. He made a massive contribution in the Championship in getting us back up and all that. Then he scored 12 goals last season, 3 of which were against the Mackems in one of the highlights of the season. Without his goals, we would have arguably went down. Or with a decent midfielder that contributed more to our general play we might have finished top half. We were two minutes away from the top half. With a better midfielder instead of a passenger for the majority of the season who's to say we wouldn't have got it comfortably? If's, but's and maybe's etc. It was touch and go last season. The main goal was surviving really so finishing 12th was decent enough even though we could have finished 9th. Nolan was a key player last season, yes he was often a passenger in games but he had a knack of being at the right place at the right time to score goals. Goals wins you games strangely enough. So why are there not Premiership clubs fighting over his signature if he's so good? Stoke, Everton and Fulham were reportedly interested. Fair enough, Nolan's general play leaves a lot to be desired but he was "right" for us somehow.
  6. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Sorry Cheik, it's not going to happen now
  7. Sifu


    He really is an idiot.
  8. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    It was what he had done in the last two years that generated such sentiment imo. He made a massive contribution in the Championship in getting us back up and all that. Then he scored 12 goals last season, 3 of which were against the Mackems in one of the highlights of the season. Without his goals, we would have arguably went down. Or with a decent midfielder that contributed more to our general play we might have finished top half. We were two minutes away from the top half. With a better midfielder instead of a passenger for the majority of the season who's to say we wouldn't have got it comfortably? If's, but's and maybe's etc. It was touch and go last season. The main goal was surviving really so finishing 12th was decent enough even though we could have finished 9th. Nolan was a key player last season, yes he was often a passenger in games but he had a knack of being at the right place at the right time to score goals. Goals wins you games strangely enough.
  9. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    It was what he had done in the last two years that generated such sentiment imo. He made a massive contribution in the Championship in getting us back up and all that. Then he scored 12 goals last season, 3 of which were against the Mackems in one of the highlights of the season. Without his goals, we would have arguably went down. Or with a decent midfielder that contributed more to our general play we might have finished top half. We were two minutes away from the top half.
  10. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    It was what he had done in the last two years that generated such sentiment imo. He made a massive contribution in the Championship in getting us back up and all that. Then he scored 12 goals last season, 3 of which were against the Mackems in one of the highlights of the season. Without his goals, we would have arguably went down.
  11. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    From the start of the summer, he has made it no secret that he doesn't like the board. Nolan, one of his best mates (and one of top players last season, well regarding his goals/influence anyway), would have been the last person you'd expect to leave NUFC. So maybe it's a matter of Joey just naming our best players from last season randomly as a way of saying: "if these trends continue, then these players will be off, blah blah."
  12. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Aye, unfortunately with Joey, he does sometimes spout out s*** before he thinks.
  13. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    That's better
  14. Yep. The thing is, they might not have even been asking for something that they couldn't get elsewhere. But the fact is we can't afford certain things now (or at least we're operating like we can't) and we have a clear policy of bringing costs under control. So at the end of the day it might be basically nobody's fault. WHam can obviously offer Nolan something he's happy with, and a signing on bonus too no doubt. Sad to see the group being split up, and I am worried it is happening too fast, but some of the circumstances seem unavoidable. Much too fast for my liking
  15. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    What's he saying/said?
  16. Talksh*** reckons McLeish will be appointed manager by the end of today.
  17. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    That's what comes with being a NUFC supporter I guess.
  18. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    Thinking about it, it is still the middle of June, so there's plenty of time to bring in a replacement I guess But there's no doubt in my mind that he will be an absolutely massive loss to the team/dressing room. Honestly don't want him to leave. Best NUFC captain I've seen since Shearer.
  19. Sifu

    Kevin Nolan

    The potential reaction? :frantic: Doubt that would happen, they arent fussy with medicals, Demba Ba case in point. Nah, never going to happen but I can dream!
  20. Time to prepare the punch..... http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1314/4733326447_7c2e3d578d.jpg
  21. Perhaps kill yourself... Pardew sympathizer What the f***? I'm confused :lol:
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