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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. That's exactly what his next brochure will state. "I had two touches in 25 minutes, and in one of them I passed to Valencia who hit the bar. My record speaks for itself, it would be a 50% success rate in passing assists if my teammates scored more often".
  2. It's Dirk Kuyt. There's no way he's running with the ball from the half way line and scoring with it. Just let him get the ball and tackle him. Dear me.
  3. Thats a red for me. Carragher is lucky, he's clearly last man.
  4. Would love ManU to sneak 2 goals here, purely to see Benitez get the sack.
  5. he'll get a goal, i'm certain of it I'm going to go for get a golden chance in the dying moments, then miss it.
  6. Benayoun is just class. Absolutely should be a starter every week for them.
  7. Minus John O'Shea. Scholes is spraying it around as per usual. Rooney would be such a great player if he had a well weighted through ball in his armoury like that of Totti/Bergkamp/Beardo/etc. Finds or works himself into so many good positions where he can play someone in with the right pass, but rarely manages to pull it off.
  8. Rivaldo instead of Kuyt there = GOAL. Slightly poor ball from Lucas, but a striker like Kuyt should show better technique. Liverpool have played the better football, despite on paper having the inferior players.
  9. Beach balls from the United fans now.
  10. http://images.teamtalk.com/09/04/800x600/Mike-Ashley-Tottenham-Newcastle-United-Premie_2186030.jpg
  11. Would love to see Keegan go all Braveheart on Ashley and his cronies. Storm their mansions on horseback, kick the doors down and mace their faces whilst they're in their beds, all for stitching him up.
  12. So far Harewood is having the same effect on the team as Nicky Butt had last season. With him in the team, it's like we've been playing with 10 men against a team of 12. We get nothing from his position, whilst on the other hand he's constantly winning the ball for them and breaking up our play. Still time for things to change though. Noone would have guessed that Ameobi would be a pretty good striker at this level.
  13. I fail to see how Keegan can be blamed in any way whatsoever for us getting relegated. We were relegated for the "mistakes" ('monumental cock-ups' would be a more accurate description) from the board after Keegan's departure. Mistakes such as: 1) Failing to appoint a manager immediately after Keegan's departure, then aAnnouncing the club was to be sold and operations no longer funded whilst there was no manager at the club. Meaning no manager in the world would want the job unless absolutely desperate for it - or in other words, so s*** that noone else would even think about employing them. 2) Appointing Kinnear, a dinosaur from yesteryear with no acceptable or relevant achievements under his belt, because of the above reasons, then making a significant net profit in the January transfer market by selling two of our best players despite knowing that the squad was thin and the team was s***. 3) Allowing the team to fester under a training coach not suited to management whilst the aforementioned dinosaur underwent, and then recovered slowly from, critical heart surgery. 4) Paying the price for putting together a squad full of highly paid "stars" who's best years were long, long behind them. So on and so forth. Keegan had nothing to do with our relegation. Several managers declared an interest in the job after the initial news of his departure, Zico and Houllier iirc being two of them, so it's not as though Keegan walking somehow turned us into someone's ugly sister.
  14. That's just a brilliant finish from Higuain.
  15. Reckon Madrid could lose the lead here. 3-2 up against Valladolid with 20 minutes remaining.
  16. Forest fans clapping him off after Harewood does everything he can to fuck up every single move he's been involved with.
  17. Bunch of cheating fuckers. They've been tugging, pushing and pulling shirts all evening long on top of going down easily.
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