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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. Purely out of interest, what happens to these shirts once the memorial is no longer "active"? Do they get binned or something? Cleaned and sent to the third world?
  2. Strange picture. All of them look like Jonas Gutierrez too.
  3. I agree with what you're saying to an extent, but the need for wingers isn't purely about getting attacks in from out wide imo, it's also about keeping central midfielders not suitable for playing out wide in the middle where they can perform to an adequate degree. Our current first team midfield options (or regulars) are all to a man central midfielders, bar Ryan Taylor who is a fullback. None of them have the ability, pace, dribbling or movement to play out wide. They're all too slow and too limited for that area of the pitch, and I'd venture so far as to say they simply don't know how to play there, much like Lovenkrands doesn't know what do when he's playing out wide as opposed to up front (this also applies to Nolan up front). Even if the game requires a solid defensive shift from all areas of the pitch, these guys are still causing problems because they're inviting pressure by being out of position/losing the ball/not supporting teammates/etc. Hence, I'd view the central midfielders out-of-position issues as being a fundamental reason for why there's very little support or movement once we're in attack, so we need to get other players in who can then allow the better midfielders to play where they're supposed to play. Of course, with Ashley being a Scrooge we'll not bring wingers in, so it's a mute point.
  4. Ranger isn't going to get any service with that midfield. Our only real route to goal with that team was to get Ranger to hold the ball up after dropping deep/wide, pile midfielders/fullbacks forward, and then hope that we somehow work it around well enough to create a chance for anyone who happens to be in and around the box. It's asking alot for Ranger to hold the ball up out wide and then get on the end of a cross or through ball, especially away from home against a solid team.
  5. Not very funny but had to be done: http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/4968/essienabsolutely.jpg
  6. Thoughts on him so far then? Personally think I've seen enough - we need to sign him up permanently. Don't have high hopes that he'll ever be a world beater, but he has pace in his locker and is solid defensively at this level (yes, I know that's not saying much), so even if he never amounts to much going forward, that combination of pace and no nonsense defending means he'd probably/possibly be a decent defensive fullback at Premiership level. The way I see it, the gamble on him is a worthy one. If we go up, he should be a good backup option for right back, maybe even a first teamer if he's sound enough defensively. If we don't go up, he's clearly good at this level. Very low risk this transfer, and certainly beats spunking money on the Carr's and Babayaro's of this world.
  7. We need Jonas back in the side asap, just to add a bit of running into the team. Why did Houghton take Guthrie off? Even if he was having an anonymous game, he's shown that he can pop up and score a goal out of nothing at this level. At the same time Nolan/Barton were having shockers. Strange decision.
  8. How shit is the Championship? Players can't finish chances unless they're in 10 yards of space in all directions.
  9. Not soon enough. Miss his dribbling/pace/linkup play massively.
  10. Cardiff are constantly playing for fouls. No wonder they're the penalty kings of this division.
  11. http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/9724/harwoodul.jpg
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