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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. Sevilla just missed a golden opportunity to go 1-0 up on Rangers.
  2. What has Keegan done wrong though? He walked out of the job after being undermined and lied to. What happened afterwards was all down to the board being incompetent. Him wanting compensation is what every manager does, and even if its excessive I don't blame him after the attempted smear campaign in the press by those running the club - people with no business being in football.
  3. Concur on the Meatball Marina. By far the only decent to good sub they have. £2 on a Tuesday isn't too bad. The "processed" meats they have (i.e. the ones that come in round, thin slices) are what I'd imagine flavoured plastic to taste like. Anything else is just about average, including the Veggie pattie.
  4. That's a staggering statement. It would have found that Keegan was forced out. How can he still be blamed? How does getting compensation prove he did nothing wrong though? Er he would have won his case, that he couldn't do his job as initially agreed upon and that he was forced out they had breached his contract and that he had valid grounds to sue for his treatment. What would he have done wrong? He could have gone in the summer when he was fully aware of the system he was working in, not waited until the day after the transfer window closed to maximise the damage it would cause. He was clearly pissed off when he gave that interview after the Chelsea game at the end of the season - why not go then? He could also not have spent the whole time he was here telling the supporters via the press that he was happy with the situation and that there wasn't a problem. Mind that's not the story he obviously told in his off the record conversations is it? People (myself included) laughed and said all of these journalists were making s*** up, but the truth is he's been dishonest throughout. he stayed untill the day he sent Wise and llambiarse out to sign Schweinsteiger, and they came back with two other muppets instead. Then Camels back was broken by this last straw. Keegan couldnt have known this would happen. He didn't "send them out" because they didn't report to him, he reported to them. Whether that's right or wrong (and it's wrong) that's the way it worked. OK then wrong choice of words. They told keegan they were going to sign him, and Didnt. They lied to Keegan. Would you stay in your job under management like that. Robson was sure he'd get Miguel and ended up with f***ing Carr. If ever there was a reason to walk............. "They lied to Keegan"? Get a grip, every manager has a similar story, things change. Wenger, Ferguson among others said they would have done the same in KK situation. There goes your theory. You have to be kidding me? Seriously. Er they said if they had no control over transfers they would walk away. Seriously. Would they have agreed to it in the first place though? Keegan never agreed to it though. There are quotes from Ashley and Wise earlier on that clearly state that Keegan will be the one who decides who comes or goes. There are also quotes from Keegan to the contrary & saying he didn't "have a problem with Dennis" There are quotes from Keegan saying that Wise was in charge of first team transfers? Would be interesting to see them. As for not having a problem with Dennis, is there any point discussing it seeing as it doesn't seem relevant at all? The issue here isn't about him liking or disliking Wise, or having a problem with Wise's role at the time of making those statements.
  5. http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/sport/4650068.Keegan_verdict_delayed_until_start_of_next_week/ Keegan verdict delayed until start of next week
  6. That's a staggering statement. It would have found that Keegan was forced out. How can he still be blamed? How does getting compensation prove he did nothing wrong though? Er he would have won his case, that he couldn't do his job as initially agreed upon and that he was forced out they had breached his contract and that he had valid grounds to sue for his treatment. What would he have done wrong? He could have gone in the summer when he was fully aware of the system he was working in, not waited until the day after the transfer window closed to maximise the damage it would cause. He was clearly pissed off when he gave that interview after the Chelsea game at the end of the season - why not go then? He could also not have spent the whole time he was here telling the supporters via the press that he was happy with the situation and that there wasn't a problem. Mind that's not the story he obviously told in his off the record conversations is it? People (myself included) laughed and said all of these journalists were making s*** up, but the truth is he's been dishonest throughout. he stayed untill the day he sent Wise and llambiarse out to sign Schweinsteiger, and they came back with two other muppets instead. Then Camels back was broken by this last straw. Keegan couldnt have known this would happen. He didn't "send them out" because they didn't report to him, he reported to them. Whether that's right or wrong (and it's wrong) that's the way it worked. OK then wrong choice of words. They told keegan they were going to sign him, and Didnt. They lied to Keegan. Would you stay in your job under management like that. Robson was sure he'd get Miguel and ended up with f***ing Carr. If ever there was a reason to walk............. "They lied to Keegan"? Get a grip, every manager has a similar story, things change. Wenger, Ferguson among others said they would have done the same in KK situation. There goes your theory. You have to be kidding me? Seriously. Er they said if they had no control over transfers they would walk away. Seriously. Would they have agreed to it in the first place though? Keegan never agreed to it though. There are quotes from Ashley and Wise earlier on that clearly state that Keegan will be the one who decides who comes or goes.
  7. Remind me again of how many clubs he's been manager of that he HASN'T walked out on ? (None ?) Did he take those to court? No but he took them to the cleaners. /Keegan-hater
  8. Whoever wins, we lose. http://politikana.com/images/medium/872-avp-poster.jpg
  9. Supposed £4m offer to settle, supposed damaging emails in Keegan's hands, Llambias supposedly set to be replaced - interesting stuff.
  10. Least he had the decency to call it quits. Could easily have walked away from this a year (or even five years) later considerably better off without having to put an ounce of effort in for Notts County.
  11. "Red INJ'd or orange INJ'd".
  12. What if the bear was raised around humans since birth, and taught tricks like any other pet is taught tricks? my goldfish won't do tricks. I missed a "that" before the "is".
  13. What if the bear was raised around humans since birth, and taught tricks like any other pet is taught tricks?
  14. this i find this sickening tbh, that is animal cruelty in my eyes i hope the bear will attack them some day, as it doesn't deserve to be treated like that Is it really all that different to doing that with a dog though? Other than it being alot rarer. The bear doesn't seem all that unhappy. Since when are bears domesticated animals? Hence the rare comment. Any animal can be domesticated, which this bear clearly has been. So are we then saying the problem isn't with the act itself, but with the fact that they don't have thousands of bears doing the same thing in homes up and down the country? A bear shouldn't be there IMO. Fairly straightforward. But why shouldn't it be there?
  15. this i find this sickening tbh, that is animal cruelty in my eyes i hope the bear will attack them some day, as it doesn't deserve to be treated like that Is it really all that different to doing that with a dog though? Other than it being alot rarer. The bear doesn't seem all that unhappy. Since when are bears domesticated animals? Hence the rare comment. Any animal can be domesticated, which this bear clearly has been. So are we then saying the problem isn't with the act itself, but with the fact that they don't have thousands of bears doing the same thing in homes up and down the country?
  16. this i find this sickening tbh, that is animal cruelty in my eyes i hope the bear will attack them some day, as it doesn't deserve to be treated like that Is it really all that different to doing that with a dog though? Other than it being alot rarer. The bear doesn't seem all that unhappy.
  17. Earlier that week in training: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/1617/shearerrottenapple.jpg
  18. We're getting pwned by the sounds of it. First loss of the season then.
  19. Don't know what happened, not watching the game, not listening either, but that offside goal was quite clearly Coloccini's fault.
  20. The FA Cup is always going to be there for anyone to win. A year and a few months ago we had Cardiff City playing Portsmouth in the FA Cup Final (as a side note, at the start of that season I remember there being a doom & gloom thread or two on this forum with posts of how the trophies were only to be shared by the big four, how the game was pointless now for everyone else, etc etc). The nature of the competition means it's possible to avoid entirely a top four/five team - and even if you do face one, it's possible to beat them on the day. The league is a different kettle of fish, but I still think an organised, half-decent team under stable management is always within shouting distance of pushing for a top four spot. There are at least a dozen other teams in the Premiership who are either s***/mediocre or average at best, and consistency against those teams coupled with a few decent results against the big boys might be all that's needed to pip someone to fourth spot one day. Everton managed it recently but failed to take advantage of it (knocked out of the CL Qualification stages) whilst Spurs and Villa have looked capable of getting there but have failed at the last few hurdles. What City are doing (and Chelsea recently) is to spend big on players at the top end of the spectrum, international players who've been stars in the top flight for years. There are still plenty of Beye's and Bassong's out there to snap up, talented gems to unearth, new blood coming through every year, rejects (both established stars and kids) from the filthy rich/CL clubs to consider, so on and so forth. Although it'd be nice to be able to buy the cream of the crop by spending £30m per player, if we're not able to do that anyway then we're still going to have to scout and sign players who are under the radar, and it's here that City/Chelsea/etc haven't made any difference. So although clubs like us can never compete at the top end of the market, I still think the game is just as fun and exciting because of the excitement of signing unknowns, or unearthing gems, or building a good team from the ground up. So for me, there's always going to be hope.
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