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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. Holy shit, Baines with a last ditch diving tackle stopping a certain goal. Ameobi involved in the build up.
  2. That fans' reaction when they saw Ameobi was coming on for Geremi.
  3. That was a smashing bit of possession football. Exactly what we should be doing away from home.
  4. Again: Taylor up front? He might be the new Chris Sutton for all we know.
  5. Smashing play by Steven Taylor. Good from Duff. Earn those wages.
  6. Joe Kinnear has a very big decision to make, one that will result in a huge headache if he doesnt decide soon, and could ultimately decide whether NUFC stay up or get relegated. The options are simple. Should it be: David "Geremi" Beckham, or GereBeckhami? One things for sure. I wouldn't want to be Joe Kinnear anytime soon.
  7. Bassong in 12 or so minutes has yet again managed to look a pretty decent player. Why we dont start with him is a tad strange.
  8. Fantastic cross. Geremi's crossing has been class today. Woeful at everything else though.
  9. 5 years ago, Owen picks that ball up there, runs past the last defender, chance on goal.
  10. Regardless of how s**** Smith was in front of goal, I at least recall him being able to pass the ball. Smith in midfield was never as shit as Butt has been for the past 2 seasons.
  11. Penalty given away by Butt. Fucking cunt of a player he is.
  12. Butt, simple header to Duff who's semi-open and we're in a dangerous position. But no, its better to try a 30 yard headed through ball to Owen.
  13. The man set his team up to avoid defeat against the shittest opposition available, thats how bad Big Sam was. We were definately headed for a relegation battle under him. Which would be the third manager in a row appointed by Shepherd whom had taken us close to getting sucked into that sort of battle.
  14. tmonkey

    Michael Owen

    Win situation for us. Less chance of Owen getting an injury, which is vital to our season. As for him not being in the squad increasing his chances of wanting away, I dont think for a second he's ever had any intention of signing a new contract, Keegan or no Keegan, board room mess or no mess, England squad or not, based on the fact that he never wanted to come here in the first place and no doubt gave his agents the nod in trying to leave last year.
  15. He's still a top manager based on our significantly improved performances under him with the same playing squad as those who managed to make us look relegation candidate material. It's frustrating that he hasnt been backed in the transfer market either. I reckon he's got an excellent yet secretive "scouting network" so to speak - maybe not employed scouts per se, but plenty of contacts who he can rely on to give good judgement with regards to players playing elsewhere.
  16. tmonkey

    Mind your language

    I cannot quite work out the preoccupation with what others might think of us; who cares? I personally couldn't give a damn what anyone thinks about the club or us lot as fans but I do have a little bit of self pride and I'd rather our manager dealt with such issues in a professional way. He has a responsibility as a role model and leader of the club to be as professional as he can in every area of his duties. He'd be the first to kick up a stink if a player told him to f*** off because he didn't like being told where to play. Didn't Sir Alex Ferguson have a similar point to make about a reporter/journalist who had been picking on one of his players a few years back? And im pretty sure he made it in a similar way to Joe Kinnear.
  17. tmonkey

    Mind your language

    He is fucking awesome.
  18. What a bunch of thieving Cockney bastards I loved the way Shepherd & Co were declaring dividends when we had no transfer funds, and then buying more shares in the club with the dividend money.
  19. Abdoulaye Faye looked excellent in the role against Chelsea. Big, strong, relatively mobile, good touch, good tackler, decent in tight situations. Although we didnt see it much, he has an excellent shot on him too. Miles, miles better than Butt. Could, and should, have played there far more regularly. Keegan may be a good manager, but he's not perfect, and Butt's reputation and bullshit aura of being an excellent midfield battler/leader with a great attitude ensuring he was a guaranteed first teamer was one of Keegan's mistakes.
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