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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. Famugusta actually have a better team than ours.
  2. That Barcelona game at the Bridge with that Ronaldinho goal from the edge of the box was a decent match. A great match, but that was in the knockout stages.
  3. Absolutely ridiculous red card.
  4. Risse would be risky, he looked slightly out of his depth for Liverpool imo in all areas bar thumping the ball at goal, and I wouldn't be suprised if he's like the Nicky Butt of left backs/left midfields in terms of only looking half decent at times purely because of being carried by the team around him. If this is one of Kinnear's targets then it's not a good sign, as the risk with this is pretty high - the risk being that we're going to have yet another Butt/Duff calibre player with similar immobility plodding along in the team in slow motion whilst contributing fuck all in the position they're occupying.
  5. He really has to go now that Duff is backing him. The thought of Duff starting every game for the next few years...
  6. If only Shepherd had actually backed his managers instead of pretending to do so by making derisory bids for players that the manager wanted but he didn't...
  7. OK, benefit of doubt has gone out of the window now - Gutierrez taken off again despite Duff being shit (again). Kinnear clearly going down the same route as Allardyce in terms of favouritism. Instead of Alan Smith playing every game and not coming off no matter how shit/useless, its now Shola, Butt and Duff.
  8. Personally think Owen is alot more ambitious than he is greedy, as indicated by his move to Madrid from Liverpool when he only had a year left on his contract. I.e. if a Champions League club comes in for him, then for all we know he could be willing to accept half the basic wage he's currently on. In fact, had Liverpool's £8m offer been accepted back when we signed him, he'd have gone there without a shadow of a doubt, and I severely doubt they were offering anything like the wages we had put on the table in order to attract his services to a mid table club with a mediocre squad. Therefore, basic wage may not be a big problem at all (especially considering the bonus' Liverpool and other CL players must have written into their contracts should they win anything) - on top of which playing for a CL side means he'll significantly increase his chances of getting back into the national squad/team, which may well be his biggest priority of all.
  9. So because Owen missed a chance, that gives the manager the right to basically give up on the game and not try and change anything? For the last 15, Fulham were in cruise control and we let them be. Doesn't Owen having the chance in the first place suggest it's harsh to say Kinnear is "clueless" purely because he could or should have done more? Agree that he should have done more, but to be fair, that defeat wasn't that much worse than the many defeats we've suffered away to mediocre London clubs in the past decade and a half - even under top managers like Keegan or Sir Bobby with considerably better teams. At least we we're the better side overall, did try to go for the win, but came away with a defeat due to one player falling apart.
  10. Had Owen tucked away his sitter, or Coloccini likewise, would this thread even exist?
  11. tmonkey

    Duff vs Dyer

    Dyer showed some tremendous form for us during that intial 6 month spell when we had the midfield of Robert, Speed, Dyer and Solano - back when he was being linked to ManU/Leeds for £15m, and slightly afterwards too when he hit a run of good form and most likely would have been a prominent memeber of the England squad before Kachloul or whoever it was nailed him prior to the Cup 2002, etc etc. That's easily forgotten because of his constant injuries and average long term form over many years afterwards. Duff's recent form has been his best for us, and although he's doing OK, he's pretty shit in comparison to the heights Dyer reached with us.
  12. He conforms to type as the South American/Latin player who is good in certain conditions, but not capable of putting up a fight on a cold, rainy, windy night away to some shit team with big or aggressive players.
  13. Thats a blatant foul, after all this is a non contact sport.
  14. We need to take Butt off. Practically all of the good passes are coming from Barton alone.
  15. It was a slight nudge. Cacapa needs to be much stronger than that.
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