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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. What a twat of a free kick that was.
  2. Idiotic goalkeeping - arms out to the side ffs.
  3. I like this manager's thinking. "If we're going to go out, we may as well go out in style...Sulley, get yer bib off".
  4. Muntari coming on for Milan. Nail in the coffin for them.
  5. Attacking football? What is this, the 1970's?
  6. Great to see Barca play like this again. They needed to revert back to a striker up front.
  7. Standard Pardew start for Milan here.
  8. tmonkey

    Alan Pardew

    Good substitutions today. But as Beren said in the match thread, the gameplan is a horrible one that is more hopeful than anything, and as predicted it wasn't until we went behind that we actually started to attack Stoke with a bit of intent. Which is actually pretty shocking given that this was a home game against a mediocre Premiership side full of cloggers at a point in the season where relegation is still a big worry.
  9. Cos we brought in Sissokho who has been playing in Marv's best position. And we all know how he started here. In the middle he' so much better. He just looks happier and more comfortable. "Get me the ball, i'll keep it." If the right pass isn't on he'll slow it down and play it simple. Today, Siss looks to only have 1 gear and it's GO GO GO! Always looking for the killer ball when sometimes his great runs would be better if he passed it simple. May be wrong, but I'm under the impression that he was dropped before Sissoko arrived. IIRC he picked up an injury after the Christmas period when he was by far our best player, then when he returned he was played on the left wing where he did even less than Guti. After that he hasn't had a look in until the 10 minute cameo against Chelsea and the odd substitute appearance/Europa game since.
  10. I still don't get why he was dropped in the first place. Our best player over the Christmas period and frequently looks a very neat playmaker through the middle.
  11. Haha fucking class. Quality pass from Marveaux, so many players overhit that or time it wrong.
  12. No point attacking them until we're a goal behind. It's the only sensible thing to do - wait it out, I'm sure chances will come our way and we'll take one eventually. Fingers crossed. /Pardew
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