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Everything posted by tmonkey

  1. Huh? Looks good when he has nothing to do other than drop deep and throw himself in the way of shots. Soon as he's directly challenged by Adebayor, he fails to win a ball that should be his all day long. He's a big centreback, he should be challenging with far more authority than that, instead of weakly flapping a leg at it. Pathetic from him, even more pathetic from Colo. IMO of course.
  2. Walker has been a dirty cunt all game with Gouffran getting the better of him for the entire time he was on the pitch - in light of this, I think he's run in with every intention of an "accidental" follow through.
  3. Jonas has taken things to the stage where even if he does something approaching "alright", it still winds me up because of the way he's doing it. Gets the ball, hunches over it, head down so he can't see a pass, arms out as he weakly attempts to hold his man off, balance all over the place which affects what minimal ability he had to play an accurate pass - he's constantly slowing things down when there's often no need to, and what's worse he's actually forcing his way into the game (taking the ball off teammates etc) when we could do with him actually hiding for once (whilst his form is so poor).
  4. Dempsey as a lone striker? Should be a field day for Colo and Taylor.
  5. Good chance of winning this, however I think the manner of the win over Chelsea has overshadowed the fact that they had a number of very good chances to finish us off after their 2nd goal, so I'm not 100% confident about our defense atm and think both teams will have good chances to score. So I'll predict a 3-1 win for whichever team takes those chances.
  6. Vincent Candela - what Santon will be in a few years time, minus the long hair. http://answers.bettor.com/images/Articles/thumbs/extralarge/Dont-call-De-Rossi-a-traitor-if-he-leaves-AS-Roma-Candela-127219.jpg
  7. Lovely finish. What was fake-Anderson doing?
  8. http://kopsipdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/woy-o1.gif
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