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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. Unless the text was from O'Neill or Ashley, that's not really helpful was just from a mate. sorry should have specified.
  2. someone on twitter mentioned pardew the other day. would be totally gutted, ive just got a text saying he'll be replaced by o'neill? will be so disillusioned if we sack hughton. even more so for fucking pardew.
  3. unless they relocate to the north west near his new stables, no chance. everton or bolton imo.
  4. It's in various papers today. Thought it deserved it's own thread by now.
  5. lovejoy

    Wayne Rooney

    biggest club my arse. theyve been brought to their knees by a player this week.
  6. lovejoy

    Wayne Rooney

    One man utd fan said to me they'll get 100m and will go and get benzema and sneijder. Rather flawed also.
  7. lovejoy

    Wayne Rooney

    35m-40m. I fully expect them to transfer list him tomorrow. But think he'll u turn in the coming weeks.
  8. lovejoy

    Wayne Rooney

    I think he'll do a gerrard and u-turn.
  9. lovejoy

    Wayne Rooney

    Rooney and moyes sorted their issues out. Rooney called him recently to apologise iirc. Not that there's a hope in hell his next move will be everton like.
  10. Is the right answer. But this is mike ashley.
  11. lovejoy

    Wayne Rooney

    I see what toons Taylor is saying, and in hindsight agree, but backing player over manager is massively dangerous. Our situations then were much different to those at mufc currently. Would be catastrophic for them to do so IMO. Sets a precedent that isn't positive.
  12. lovejoy

    Wayne Rooney

    Fergie won't be there next season IMO.
  13. Since we're talking about it, Wouldn't want hodgson like. Would like to see jol come in. But would love to see Oneill here.
  14. I agree Mick. I honestly don't think he believed we'd go down last time. Hence Kinnear. He wouldn't take a risk like that again IMO.would cost him far too much.
  15. Bust up with hughton about being benched apparently, Which led to him being left out altogether.
  16. Where's this from? If it's from the notw advert that was on a few weeks ago, it's rather misleading as it refers to the breaking story from earlier in the year.
  17. Looks like someone's marked your house on google maps http://maps.google.co.uk/?ie=UTF8&ll=53.510867,-2.390277&spn=0.007669,0.013325&t=h&z=15 Chris will of course have gotten his team captain to drive him. i live just around the corner. its actually a very good pub that. never understood why mancs dont find the name funny, because I certainly do. they call the hardest lad in their school the 'cock' as well. weirdo's.
  18. clearly I'm a c*** then. as i say, I do it twice a week (the journey dave!), during the week and it takes me just over 2 hours. ive been doing it for nearly ten years now, so im a massive, massive c***. anyway, back to hughton.....
  19. Now there's a car sharing invitation if ever I saw one.
  20. I do it twice a week. And I'm in ronaldos camp. takes me just over 2 hours.
  21. News of the world reckon we may bring Martin jol in next summer (with hughton).
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