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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. exactly. few people claiming the whole thing is engineered. dont belive it personally, but it would be a hell of a week if he wald back in with a mega rich owner
  2. lovejoy

    Michael Owen

    he'd be out of his tree to sign a new deal. anyone would be mad to sign up to this bollocks. we're lucky that this happened when the window closed, so they are stuck here, or we would have ended up with a few more departures, high profile one's at that.
  3. lovejoy

    steve wraith

    Ha ha. http://www.thegeordieconnection.com/ And he has the gall to call ANYONE an embarrassment. precisely. 'author'....'fundraiser'.....'actor'......'felcher'. cunt.
  4. lovejoy

    Terry Mc

    like f*** he will. 'oddjob' didn't go with him last time, and i'm lead to belive they didn't speak for a long time after that. he'll still be here when the new guy comes, hoping he'll be kept on.
  5. aye, thats my point. i just dont see why it had to be now?
  6. lovejoy

    steve wraith

    did he balls. the non alcoholic thing is hardly the issue here for fucks sake. flat caps and whippets? go back and bum the krays you fucking wannabe.
  7. thing i question though, is why walk now? i don't blame him, but why not earlier? is this to say that guthrie, collo and jonas were kk signings and the board suddenly changed it? i doubt it. i suspect it has always been this way, and he knew how it was going, so why walk now?
  8. lovejoy

    steve wraith

    he calls ashley an embarassment? takes one to know one mate. tosspot.
  9. please god buy us. i really cant see another way forward at the minute
  10. nobody worth their salt will take it under the current regime. if we want to get anyone worth having, clear wise etc out and let the manager manage. under the current way, i can see poyet coming in. i would like to see it cleared out and the job given to shearer personally.
  11. wont do fuck all. waste of time.
  12. "I've been working desperately hard to find a way forward with the directors, but sadly that has not proved possible," Keegan said in a statement. "It's my opinion that a manager must have the right to manage and that clubs should not impose upon any manager any player that he does not want."
  13. big, big, big problems ahead. absoloutely gutted. realy cant see where we go from here.
  14. incredibly embarassing. a solution one way or the other needs to be sounght in the next 24 hours imho. sadly, i don't think he'll be back.
  15. i have to say, maybe the rpess have been closer to the pulse of what has been going on than we think, and keegan has been brave facing it? i agree with wullie, if he wants rid of wise etc, get rid.
  16. if this is true, ashley is in big bother. many will lose faith. as dave says, it had better be fucking bollocks.
  17. or he's been made to look a cunt.
  18. the headlines are all over it already. mail tomorrow 'keegan summoned to toon summit meeting'. apparently he has had nothing to do with xisco or gonzales, and they tried to firce a lazio defender on him.
  19. there wont be anymore now, if there was, they'd be on the official site now with xisco and gonzales. thats it folks.
  20. based on what exactly? a text on 606? give over man
  21. cantona retires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. so we believe the media now? when its in our favour? Yeah.
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