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Everything posted by lovejoy

  1. anal reckons the 'word down south' is that spuds will make a £12m bid for owen
  2. lovejoy

    Alan Smith

    the beardsley talk in i went to was class, it was about 5 years ago now. he claimed owen was technically shite, and hid in england trainig sessions when he had to do anything technical in training. he also branded gerrard a 'coward'
  3. mackems after benni mccarthy apparently
  4. lovejoy

    Nile Ranger

    obviously wanted to be a magpie.....ranger
  5. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2008/08/08/coloccini-jets-in-for-nufc-talks-72703-21492122/ he's here!
  6. just heard david craig on ssn 'mike ashley latest'. 'we have recieved a heads up on this and we understand he will talk about..' and then realed everything off that is on the website. heads up? like fuck!
  7. i dont think there is anyoen on here who could argue that we are better than everton, they have a very good balance and are pretty stable, despite the recent media shite about them not adding to their squad yet. they've also just done a cracking piece of business for johnson,how his value has gone up since he signed is beyond me. good team everton,
  8. lovejoy

    David Healy

    Good shout that, better player than he ever gets credit for he ticks the box of working well with owen as well, not to menton the fact he would bust a gut to come here
  9. would be a cracking signing for watford. hope he goes there and does realy well
  10. lovejoy

    David Healy

    hope anal is talking bollocks again. i'll prepare for the avalanche, but i would prefer us to sign a young up and ocming striker or, if we are not going to do that, go and get emile heskey
  11. lovejoy

    Alan Smith

    would be delighted to see him go. poor everton
  12. You've posted that about eight times now across a ton of threads. i know, thats how bored i really am!
  13. mine's been cancelled as well. what the hell are they doing? £11.99 was a steal!
  14. worth a read: fergies, keane's, gerrards, fowlers, keegans, shearers, mick quinn's, cascarinos' (class book) never touch with a barge pole: rooneys, got it as a gift, abysmal. rob lee's - dogshit.
  15. he'll be 'dreaming' of sunderland next
  16. we've got 2 slots booked in for medicals at the nuffield in jesmond, one for tomorrow, and one for monday. i have no idea who either are for. wait...is this gg chat?
  17. being a giant myself, i can confirm this is true
  18. bentley and arshavin to sign for spuds, maybe even tomorrow. source: alan nixon.
  19. jesus christ. the targets that us and spuds home in on is uncanny
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