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Posts posted by lovejoy

  1. we need more than 3,4 or 5 imo.


    that number would have done for januray for starters.


    i reckon we need about ten all in all, 5 to come straight in to the team and about 5 for the squad


    Four or five of the right quality going straight into the first team will transform us.


    Carr, Ramage and probably Rozehnal will be leaving anyway (contracts up/Lazio), so that's two ot three more I suppose.


    i agree it will transform the first team, but our issues are much deeper than that, i'd like to see a lot more than 3,4 or 5 of the current squad leave, and we're thin now

  2. everton are a quality side now.


    very well balanced, they've got a good mixture of pace and are very good defensively, they also have people who can score all over the pitch.


    just shows you don't have to throw stupid amounts of money around to get success, they've built gradually and are strating to look very good.


    i echo nut's feelings that i wish we had been found out like city have!



    they are strating to look pretty average again, i think they need something in the middle, on the right 9buster bloodvessel's nee good) and another forward.


    no reason why they wont get them all in the summer though

  3. one very good signing would instil a confidence for others to follo.


    i honestly feel if we had pulled woody off in jan then a couple more may have come in.



    It's a bit s*** if pulling him off was all that stopped him from coming here.



  4. the way i saw it, sky were explaining what happens now, not next year.


    im sure its always been 5th place and the cup winners, its the fact that the top 4 have always won the cups that 6th is nearly always a uefa spot?


    or so i thought

  5. So if we don't spend then eh?


    Where the fuk do you see us next season?


    Come on then, if spending doesn't stop people thinking it's the be all and end all though.




    I'm sorry but I can't believe someone is this stupid.























  6. ITV's Spurs fans, Pleat and Drury w*** themselves silly: "BERBATOV OOZES CLASS!"


    He scored a penalty ffs.


    'i hated the 90,000? are you sure?' comment.




    as you say, it was a pen man, fuck me relax.

  7. While Duff hasn't been great, I don't think he's been helped by the lack of options when he gets the ball. He's generally got two players doubling up on him which in theory means there's space somewhere else but we aren't getting the ball out. This is where the central midfielders are not giving any options.


    why anyone would 'double up' on duff is beyond me.


    if it was possible to put half a man on a player, if i was a manager, i would take up that option when playing against a team that had duff in it.


    It's generally the case though. Most wide players find two players in front of them, Zog usually cuts inside to get round this, Duff usually loses the ball while trying to stay wide. Milner loses it while going wide and cutting inside. On the few occasions he gets behind the defender he checks back to let them catch up which isn't too hard.


    ah i know mate, i wasnt saying you were wrong, i was just stressing how shite i think duff is

  8. If he's not on the bench against Blackburn get a "Where, where, where, where's Jose?" chant on the go.


    We could do with a left back playing at left back for a change.


    aye, i'd like to see him back in for blackburn.


    we need to freshen things up, i'd like to see enrique, geremi (cant believe im saying that) and oba back in at the weekend.

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