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Posts posted by lovejoy

  1. United Front 


    While memories of the last time Kevin Keegan sent a team out at SJP against Alex Ferguson abound, we prefer to take our text for Saturday from a game we actually lost.


    "Thunderous and awe-inspiring" was our description of the support provided by home fans at the SJP meeting of the two United's in March 1996, some seven months before the more famous "Howay 5-0" game.


    A 1-0 victory thanks to Cantona's second half goal proved to be the point at which the course of the Premiership title was re-plotted from North East to North West.


    But the vocal encouragement that day as Newcastle attempted to batter down the defence commanded by Schmeichel lives long in the mind - and that was from a 36,500 capacity SJP.


    We lost, but there was a sense that we've given it our all - whether shouting and playing - and competed. We can think of other C words to describe our second half capitulation at Villa Park two weekends ago.....


    This latest meeting is a massive opportunity to forget about safe standing, game 39, league form, misadventures of former players, the price of gas, whatever.


    Focus is required - from the stands and dressing room.


    If you're going with a black & white heart, shout hard - after all, you did it for Allardyce's side against Arsenal in November to good effect...and you didn't even like him.


    And it doesn't go right, let's retain some pride and dignity and deny these b*stards the satisfaction of seeing us implode in public.


    Keep the faith. 





  2. i think it would be crazy to put him in.


    robert green has been class all season and isnt anywhere near a call up, so to pick a kid of 20 games or so would be silly.


    i honestly dont think we should look past james for the next year or so, the form he's in he deserves to be between the sticks, then look at this hart kid once he's had some time to develop a bit more/get a bit more experience.


    for the record (although im no city expert), i dont think hart will play if sven can get hold of a keeper in the summer.

  3. I cant believe peopleactually sit here and actually say that Bobby went too late, its absolutley baffles me. It defies logic how stupid people actually are, the job was untouchable after a legend in the game got sacked for finihsing 5th. Was there any wonder that we ended up hiring Souness, he would of been the only man to take the job after that.


    Yet people actully sit here like numpties and say that he should of gone when we finished 3rd. The idiocy in that statement just makes me laugh, then cry.


    How is any nufc manager gonna suceed with that sort of mentality.


    who said he should have gone when we finished 3rd?

  4. I think that what SBR does best is gets everyones rose tinted specs out!



    In the second half of his final fulll season his results were nothing but ordinary. People conveniently forget the capitulation in the CL knockout stage. West Brom, from a division below,  knocked us out of the competition that Boro went on to win, at home with us playing a weakened team. Both results could have seen SBR marched out of Toon in reality

    4th place was going up for grabs from christmas onwards and we made no impact in making it ours by stringing just a reasonable run of results  - in the end we were delighted at qualifying for the UEFA.




    In my opinion SBR shuld have gone at the end of that season. Typicaly Shepherd/Halls dithered and wasted yet another oportunity just to do the right thing at the right time. Not forgetting how SBR lost his battle of wills with the shitehawk Dyer when he refused to play - that was the end of him.




    He is though a top fella and the biggest regret for me is that he didn't arrive post Keegan. I think we would have got very very close to the title if he had.


    i love bobby, absoloutely love him.


    BUT, i agree, he should have been moved on (upstairs maybe) when houllier was.


    we were neck and neck with them, one year on, they wpn the champions league, and we had sourmess.



    freddys biggest mistake in his time here was the bobby situation imo.

  5. What a depressing thread. Doom and gloom all around. We knew the fixtures when BSA went the journey, we saw the football and footballers he brought to our Club. There was no possibility it was going to get better. It wouldn't have next season either, we have a team of demotivated 'stars' with the possibility of the bad run continuing for a fair few weeks yet.


    KK didn't need to come here, he wanted to. Why, because last time we were so close to something fantastic we could all sniff it. The place was buzzing, players wanted to come to be a part of it. You know what? they will again. But, we need to get through this crappy time together. And I mean together. The press and most of the population want him to fail. Of course they do. For the press it sells papers, sells more advertising, makes money. Those pics of Newcastle fans with their head in their hands is manna from heaven to the scum sucking pond life. Other teams see us as an emerging threat. Yes, a threat because thats what we will become when Kevin and Newcastle United start to roll in the right direction.


    Can Ashley support the change required? too bloody right they can. Is the structure in place? It's getting there, no doubt back room staff will come at the end of the season when they will be able to move easier. Does Kevin know what he needs? Of course he does. He did last time and has 10 years more experience to go with it.


    So what needs to happen? Simple, we need to get to the close season in the Premiership. Thats it. Then change will happen.


    How do we retain our status in the Premiership. We pull together and give Newcastle United the support we know we can. All of us. This is no time for argument, division, name calling and twitchy arses. No time at all. Do not allow the press and sniping coming from outside to get in at all. SJP has to become a fortress. A hostile place as it bloody should be. Players will then be in no doubt that they have a responsibility to play to their best with no excuses. Their best is better than at least 3 other teams in this division. Home points will keep us up and then watch things happen. This summer will be a fantastic time watching players come in to make us better, much much better. Home wins are what we need, anything away will be a bonus.


    Let the outside world know we are truly, Newcastle UNITED. Let our Manager and Owner know we are right behind them in everything we say and do. Stuff the press, let them find stories else where. Get rid of these negatives and excuses. Newcastle United FC is far more important than that.


    Good post, but at times like these do you ever get the feeling this "change" will never come, you've got to look at the flip side...



    fucking right.


    great post

  6. Hasn't won a game.


    Attack looks toothless.


    Midfield is non-existent.


    Defense looks shambolic.


    None of these issues were addressed in the transfer window.


    Bench reads like a list of our best players.


    No assistant manager.


    Five-a-side in training.


    Fitness is woeful.


    We're sliding down the table at an alarming rate.


    ...but apart from that he's done a pretty decent job so far.


    Most of that was true before Keegan took over, otherwise Allardyce wouldn't have been sacked. Liverpool, Portsmouth and so on...remember? Only a clueless, media-led t*** would judge Keegan on a team he has inherited. If anybody needs reminding, it started going downhill AFTER Keegan left 11 years ago. It's hardly fair he gets the blame for the shambles left behind by his predecessors, the honorable SBR excluded.


    ...and only a clueless media-led t*** would have had Allerdyce sacked in the first place. Tottenham, West Ham and so on...remember?


    Keegan had a chance to make changes (all be it small changes) in January, but he failed to do so. Only a man who's letting his heart rule his head would suggest Keegan has done anything but a poor job so far...


    he's had 5 games mate. 2 of which were against a team we were never going to beat away from home in our current state. one was against a team who sat back for 90 mins and came to spoil the party.


    to judge keegan after 5 games is simply moronic, and is THE main reason we are the laughing stock of the country

  7. although the newspaper comment is laughable, i dont think much of what he has said this morning on sky is wrong tbh



    What it's all our fault "putting too much pressure on the players"..which is basically what he said.


    f*** off.


    thats not realy what he said though is it? you must have selective hearing mate.


    what he said was it takes a big player to play in front of 52,000 people, and we have had a few in the past who it has destroyed because they couldnt cope with it, we need 'big' players.


    i didnt hear him say it was our fault?


    i didnt think he was having a go, i dont think our place is much different to anywhere else to be honest, great when things are going well, not when it isnt. take villa park yesterday, their fans were whinging in the first half, some boo's at half time, and sdtamford bridge wasnt to dis-similar last time we were there.


    if you want to spit your dummy and take offence over what he didnt say, nee bother, but dont tell me to fuck off when i choose to listen to what actualy came out of his mouth

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