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  1. STM

    Sean Longstaff

    Oh aye, they will make comment on that.
  2. Stopped reading after the first couple of paragraphs. Absolutely shite writing, catering for the thickos. It's written terribly but the points that are brought up are what we all know Its says Rafa is gone and that hes too good for us, in virtually the first line. Its absolute tosh.
  3. I'm not buying this "other interested parties" malarky, either, that one actually IS straight out of MA's playbook. It's the old, "well there are other people taking a look too, so if you want it, you better act quick." Of course MA is telling the press there is more than one bidder, his hand would be weakened if he didn't.
  4. Stopped reading after the first couple of paragraphs. Absolutely shite writing, catering for the thickos.
  5. Reads like asking a lass out that isn't interested but she won't come out and say it. FFS, that comparison is so true. How depressing.
  6. :lol: Thank fuck you are here.
  7. That screenshot looks almost plausible. Hes not doing anything other than saying that he cant say anything, which is a positive thing in my mind. I'd be much more concerned if it was someone giving loads of details and soundbites. That's of course if it's real but it's hardly "explosive" enough to be made up. I'd like to see Odin's, to compare.
  8. If it doesnt happen I think I'm done with football altogether. Being here in the US I'm away from it a bit and it will be easier to just get immersed in one of my adopted teams in the sports here. At least theres a semblance of hope with the way sports are setup here If the takeover doesnt happen and Rafa goes relegation is an absolute certainty imo Me already Doing a bad job of it.
  9. It was called Monochrome Acquisitions man. :lol:
  10. Still doesn't explain why BZG would be so confident as to set up a Holding Company. Which is the main hope I'm clinging to.
  11. If the takeover doesn't happen, I think I'm done, with or without Rafa. It would be one false dawn to far for me and it would ruin any transfer plans in the process.
  12. Aye that’s pretty much what he told me as well, in emojis ?? Madness how he hasn’t changed his number yet! While we are on, you can post the WhatsApp images anarl. Might as well see if the numbers match.
  13. When I left my last job I received a letter reminding me that I signed up to maintain confidentiality even after departure. There will only be so much he’ll be allowed to legally say Especially after Keegan. Rafa would let us know though, through one channel or another.
  14. Yeah, I'm gonna need to see that Whatsapp and even then I withhold my right to called you a bullshitter. Mind you, even positive news that isn't real, will be welcome, such is the mess that I am in.
  15. I know we have had "make or break", countless times before but this actually feels like it. So much could happen in the next two weeks.
  16. The main thing I've learned is that all games seem hard when your shite. Could have had the three promoted sides first and it would have looked tricky FFS.
  17. That joke is as old as, well, the flintstones.
  18. Been a quiet day, no really bullshit articles or wild theories. It's been a good day.
  19. Not sure I've seen anything for an NUFC journo in days, Douglas and The Downie are on holiday, Edward's is in a huff and Lee Ryder is still trying to work out how the typewriter works.
  20. Routine maintenance again?
  21. Howay man, get off the fence and let us know what you REALLY think. Had you down as a positive type of guy.
  22. If a takeover happens in late July, I'd imagine the squad will still be stronger than any scenario under Ashley's ownership. Besides, if Ashley left in mid August and we signed no fucker, at least we could finally look towards the future. The worst case is always MA staying.
  23. It's been a pretty viable theory for a while. It's the best possible outcome. Of course, that would mean MA has told him about the takeover and asked him to keep quiet.
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