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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. I am not an idiot - I understand PSR, and also SCR, revolves around spending within the constraints of total revenue, but let’s have a look at what the owners can directly influence here: - TV revenue is a function of PL finishing position, number of PL games televised and number of European/cup games televised. I.e this is entirely dependent on how well we do on the pitch. I think it’s fair to say we have performed at or above our expected level under these owners? - Prize money likewise - Matchday revenue depends on fans spending on tickets, food and beverages. I think there is some potential to increase this considering wr have a full house most games, but how popular would a significant price hike be? I think the owners deserve credit for, so far, not going down this road. SJP refurbishment or a new stadium will be vital here, which the club is working on. - That leaves Commercial revenue. This is where Ashley mismanaged us grossly and why we are so far behind other big clubs in terms of revenue, and as such it is also the area where redemption can come from, as there is massive scope for improvement in this area. The club targets 30% growth year on year here, and so far have overachieved every year since the takeover. Also I’d suggest any dependency on Saudi companies is not necessarily healthy, and we need sponsors from outside too. Between the Adidas deal and the likes of Red Bull, this is coming along nicely and more will follow.
  2. You’ve cherry picked total revenue there I assume, not commercial revenue?
  3. Well, there’s only one way to close that gap and that is by growing faster than them (and that’s what we are trying to do and achieving so far).
  4. A little over 12 years. I’d suggest the probability of ours growing 40% year on year is far higher than theirs growing 29% year on year, simply because our 40% is based on an actual 3 year period, whereas theirs is an outlier. In the same period (since our takeover) theirs grew by 8,4% (2022-22), 16,7% (22-23) and now 29,7%, or 19,1% p.a. on average. We’ll catch them in the next decade.
  5. Serie A shown up a bit this week
  6. The five years is projecting their commercial revenue at current growth rate vs ours mate. Never suggested the others are standing still. Just pointing out that as long as we grow faster, we’ll catch up. Getting really tired of the negativity about this suggested lack of ambition on here in genetal like. Considering where we’ve come from, just what did people expect from new owners?
  7. Perisic is not a bad player like. How did PSV get him on a free?
  8. The point you seem to be missing is that there are clubs at that level, so it’s not an impossibility to get to these levels, it’s “just” getting there. Obviously the commercial growth cannot be infinite. Us being so low after Ashley means our growth potential is much bigger than that of clubs already peaking.
  9. Basic mathematics says that we are catching up with a higher (commercial) revenue growth rate. At current growth rates we overtake them in five years from now.
  10. “Commercial performance, in the second year of a new commercial strategy, was strong across the board and revenues were significantly improved to £218.3 million (2023 - £169.3 million).” A 28,9% increase. Not to be sniffed at, but ours has grown more (40%) year on year since the takeover. The other avenues of revenue increase are matchday, TV revenue and prize money. The former we probably wouldn’t want PIF to increase too much (who wants higher ticket prices) and the latter two are pretty much outside of PIF’s control.
  11. Boils my piss how this PSR charade with a serving of APT and FMV to stiffle any and all competition keeps getting championed in the interest of fair competition when it is expressly designed to stop that very thing. Fair competition would see a spending cap for all, no more no less.
  12. Like anyone else on here you have no idea what PIF have or haven't done with regards to sponsorhip, nor what the PL have done to block deals. I imagine you won't find many Saudi companies large enough to sponsor a major PL team without ties to PIF.
  13. Did some more digging and the above is not true, strictly speaking (source PL press statement): Not entirely sure what that bit on bold means though. Presumably they may be kept as interest free loans, but for the purpose of the accounts they need to be adjusted to have a market value interest. Not sure how that would work with such hugely risky and B2B loans, as well as not actually having to pay the interest and the financial benefits that brings. Looks like something any legally qualified person could drive a school bus through again.
  14. It's only after reading this tweet that I've understood something quite hilariously uncompetitive and flawed about these new APR rules agreed in November. I always thought the "no historic owner loans" provision meant that owner loans excluded until the new rules came into effect would not be applied retrospectively, but would be included going forward. Seems I was wrong, and what was actually agreed is that owner loans that were in effect before the new rules were agreed will forever going forward be excluded from PSR calculations, giving clubs like Everton and Arsenal a lasting advantage over their competitors? Aye, if true, good luck defending these financial "fair play" in court lads
  15. Because the prize money and exposure doesn’t weigh up to the crippling effects for next season. CL is crucial for our development. Not getting it this year would be annoying. Qualifying for Europa League and playjng an extra 15+ games for little benefit would almost certainly lead to failing to qualify for CL again next season for the season after. As I said, it’s CL or bust for me. I appreciate and respect others may hold a different view.
  16. That’s what I meant. I’d rather not qualify for anything other than CL (but I want us to win a cup and realise that may see us qualified for a competition I’d rather see us avoid).
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