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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Got a feeling Carroll will score against us though..
  2. Liverpool defense look shite. Ba should get at least a few chances next Friday..
  3. Zoggy has become a chubby fucker. Have Villa put him on a diet of curries at lunch or summit?
  4. I think they took that option. Either way, he won't leave on a free this summer.
  5. Nope, one more season after the current one.
  6. Maybe not amazing, but this is exactly what he should be doing with his pace. Get into the space behind the full back and put a (preferably) low cross into the danger area. I think it's pointless trying to put high crosses in targeting our strikers, seeing as our wingers aren't very good at crossing and our strikers are better on the deck than they are in the air. Our wingers are fast and our striker(s) are clinical in front of goal, so whilst not amazing the assist was exactly what I'd like to see Obertan (and Jonas for that matter) do much more often in a match.
  7. Agreed with this assessment. Seeing as we're looking for somebody to partner Colo, I'd go for a Douglas type. As I've said before though, I think he will want to finish the season in Holland so he can get permission to play for the Dutch national team (he has a Dutch passport but needs to have played in NL for 5 years, which he will have in August next year). I believe the Dutch FA have asked special dispensation (not sure on what grounds) to have him available earlier. If they pull that off, and he can be selected for the Euros, I can see him wanting to move this January, but all in all I'd say unlikely.
  8. WTF!? Are we not allowed to have a good striker or what?
  9. Is he better than Verthongen? Defensively, I'd say yes.
  10. Sorry mate but this post is made of cringe. Cheers Sewelly, ever helpful. You're having a go at people for supporting two up top but then go on to say you didn't even watch the game and asking if the sub changed the game? Come on man. i don't dislike 2 upfront per se, it's that i don't think we have the players to do it. Agree. I want us to change things round upfront too, but Taylor's post was still cringeworthy. What's more cringeworthy is the sheer predictability of it all. In that respect, his post is just about right..
  11. FT. Happy with the three points, unhappy with the tactical ineptitude from Pardew in his starting formation, happy he saw the light timely.
  12. Why the fuck did we not play it out there...? Silly. Bolton should have been allowed to play on..
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