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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. I think everybody got it. The last thing we need however is fans defending the indefensible as far as this situation is concerned. It's not because we all know that those in charge won't change their views that we shouldn't be having a discussion about it, quite the opposite in fact. Last December I said I was willing to give Ashley a fair chance to turn this club around, but would still be critical if I perceived his decisions to be wrong. I believe this particular decision is as wrong as wrong can be and could prove very, very costly for this club, so I am not about to shut up about it because the people in charge won't listen to sense when it smacks them in the face.. Personally I think it should be very clear that the vast majority of fans disapprove of the decision making regarding our management position, and this defeatist attitude that it's too late to change things now is not the signal we should be sending out. It's not too late! Quite the opposite in fact: to not act now means leaving our destiny in incapable hands and spells almost certain disaster. It will only be too late when we are officially down, and Ashley shouldn't be allowed the excuse of a lack of time in the event it would happen.
  2. he'll retreat to his mansion, won't see or hear a thing Au contraire, the Sun will publish pictures of him on the Copacabana beach drinking 100.00 pound bottles of champagne on the night we go down..
  3. You think we'd be in this state if he'd have stayed? No, but then i'd say that if he'd not brought him back in the first place we'd not be where we are now. Still his own decision/fault either way though. True, but I reckon any manager of decent standing within the game would of ultimately been forced to go about it similar to Keegan and therefore we were always going to be in this state. Possibly, but again we're back to who did/said/promised/demanded etc what - all been done to death but resurrected many times. Until both sides have their say, we'll never know the true story. However and regardless of who started it, it all comes down to the fact that Ashley wanted KK and made the appointment, if he thought KK was his man he should have had the guts to follow it through. I don't go with the concensus that Ashley is out to intentionally f*** us over, I think he has a genuine want for us to do well, but he's surrounded himself with key personnel who don't really know what they're doing. Yeah? So why did Sportsdirect only pay NUFC something like £40k for what amounts to a blue chip sponsorship package at SJP? On the face of it, it looks like great business for Ashleys first love, but shocking business for NUFC. so why is he putting his cash in ? As its his club, he didn't have to put anything in to give one of his companies advertising space. *sorry, thats for Fading Star - picked the wrong 'quote'* so what? If its of no consequence then why did you bring it up in the first place? One could argue he should stop whinging about having to put millions in the club to keep it afloat whilst buying advertising space worth millions for free at the same time. It's not so much pertinent now, but it will become moreso when NR will be replaced by SD as our primary sponsor.
  4. Dont believe that atall. Even they cannot be so moronic that they would choose Kinnear with much better options available. In reality, Llambias perception of "top managers" is probably different from ours. I wouldn't bet against it myself. Kinnear is probably much cheaper than most alternatives, which seems to be a prevalent theme in Ashley's regime so far..
  5. Nonsense. Even Llambias himself let slip there are lots of top managers interested (his words, not mine) and we have specifically chosen Kinnear to be our manager.. We are still a big club in one of the biggest leagues in the world. There are loads of managers, English and foreign, who would love a crack at being the manager to turn us around. Ashley and his system are a hindrance of course, but we are still a very attractive proposition for many managers out there.
  6. Unbelievable


    So would i. Did you also nearly qualify for the second round of the Champions League with close to a pub team? If you think that's enough proof to suggest him as an actual candidate, then fair enough. I totally disagree though. Well, you can only beat what's in front of you, can't you? Considering the (lack of) talent at his disposal what he (nearly) achieved is verging on the phenomenal. It's certainly better than what our current management team have mustered in the past decade. I wouldn't advocate giving him a five year deal, but a one year deal to see what he could do wouldn't hurt. What we know for certain is he will give us passion and some much needed positivity amongst the fans and the media. His continental roots and experience may give him an edge in this league, certainly compared to the usual suspects in Ashley´s book of attractive management material. Let´s face it, there will not be massive pressure on him; if he fails to secure our Premiership status it won't be seen as his fault, and we can start from the bottom up. If he does manage to keep us up (and I would think he would have more chance of doing that than the current muppets in charge), that should set us up for some positivity for next season. It certainly beats giving Kinnear a new two year deal if you ask me..
  7. Unbelievable


    So would i. Did you also nearly qualify for the second round of the Champions League with close to a pub team?
  8. Was it a goalmouth scramble resulting in bumbling the ball over the line? a goalmouth scramble resulting in hammering the ball over the line more like.
  9. Still can't get over how this piece of absolute nonsense has been peddled constantly since the first half yesterday. what nonsense? It being the fifth of five pens he's taken for us with his right foot..
  10. Finally. Someone without the KK blindfold. KK is undoubtably partially to blame. And the one responsible for the rot setting in. But few involved with NUFC escape the blame gun. You can't blame JK for taking the chance at managing NUFC - you CAN blame Ashley for giving him the chance. You have to be appalled and astonished he's still here, though - and wondering what the hell Ashley is thinking. And the insanity goes up several notches when you hear he's offered him a 2 year contract. It seems Ashley is more obsessed with destroying the club and fans than running the club. You what!?
  11. Not saying he has done brilliantly since coming back from injury, because he hasn't, but with Lovenkrands and him in attack we have seen attacking moves you simply wouldn't see with Owen in the team due to his lack of movement (unless played in midfield, something Hughton and Kinnear wouldn't even consider). Martins has also scored a goal yesterday from nothing, although he missed one or two he should have scored. He is capable of playing better than he currently is, but I personally don't think Owen would have done better, certainly not in terms of contributing to our general decent attacking play..
  12. I find this attitude baffling if I'm honest. I believe you are also one of the few who still think we aren't in serious trouble of getting relegated (or were up until not so long ago)? With Kinnear not being up to the job both in terms of health or quality, we will be looking for a new manager regardlesss sooner or later. As far as I am concerned we have already lost precious months to rectify this wrong, but the only worse thing than doing the right thing late is not doing it at all. Besides, what is "too late"..? Too late to avoid relegation? Well, maybe it is. Then again, maybe it isn't. Worth the gamble if you ask me, especially as we need to start building for the future, be it in the Premiership or the Championship, and Kinnear should not be our future under any circumstance.
  13. Sigh, I repeat: And you believe that What's not to believe? Hundreds of managers around Europe would jump at the chance to manage a Premiership club, let alone one of the size of NUFC. To those who believe this club can't attract anyone better than Kinnear, have a word with yourself. Of course, for us to consider better candidates for the job, the people in charge would have to recognise that there is a footballing world out there that has evolved from the early 90's, which is where they seem to be getting their inspiration from. the reason we ended up with Kinnear, was the fact that we could not attract anyone at the time. what has changed to attact someone now The club aren't up for sale and there isn't massive protests from the fans. More importantly, that was just propaganda as well. Nobody else wanted to run this club? Do you really believe that? Nobody!? Nobody from their list of English former lower premiership managers from the '90's willing to work for a pittance more like. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys.
  14. Afar and chicago had it spot on. We were knee deep in the shit the moment Keegan left/was fired. Afar, Tsunami, myself and a few others were ridiculed for pointing out our concerns with the squad, the owner and the management team way before that moment. I have to admit even I didn't see relegation as a realistic scenario, because I wrongly assumed that the people in charge would do everything within their power to prevent it from happening, be it appointing a recognised manager, selling up and/or properly investing in the squad in the January transfer window. As it turns out they have done nothing of the sort, hence it can be no surprise that we are back in the bottom 3 at this crucial stage of the season. For Ashley & Co to transform us from a club aiming for European football to a club on the verge of relegation in under two years is a monumental "accomplishment".
  15. Sigh, I repeat: And you believe that What's not to believe? Hundreds of managers around Europe would jump at the chance to manage a Premiership club, let alone one of the size of NUFC. To those who believe this club can't attract anyone better than Kinnear, have a word with yourself. Of course, for us to consider better candidates for the job, the people in charge would have to recognise that there is a footballing world out there that has evolved from the early 90's, which is where they seem to be getting their inspiration from.
  16. I see I said no. Can somebody reset the vote as I am now firmly in the yes camp. Actually, wonder if anybody wouldn't take 17th right now.. How shit this season is turning out to be..
  17. Up to 8 now. Not so much because we lost today, but because our competitors are up for the fight and getting the results whereas we blatantly aren't.
  18. Agreed, we did well up until that point to. Could have got a better result with a bit more luck. Still, when things didn't go our way the heads went down depressiningly quickly..
  19. We are in a worse position. We have no manager replacing no manager..
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