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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Not a smile in sight I'm afraid.. FYI - he looks like that because he has one foot in... not because he's supprting boro. I know he's seriously ill mate, but if he's fit enough to go to a game, surely he's fit enough to smile when his club score? Give your head a f****** shake man. I'm not saying he should ffs. We scored, he looked miserable on the television footage and the radio says he's all smiles. All I'm saying is he wasn't..
  2. Not a smile in sight I'm afraid.. FYI - he looks like that because he has one foot in... not because he's supprting boro. I know he's seriously ill mate, but if he's fit enough to go to a game, surely he's fit enough to smile when his club score?
  3. Bobby Robson a Boro fan nowadays? Boy, did he look miserable..
  4. Everybody stop being so negative, or The Janitor will get on your cases..
  5. It was funny the first time they showed it. I was thinking: Allardyce and Mort sitting together.. Logical for the first half.. But wait a second, who's the fat guy next to Mort. Surely they don't let supporters sit so close to our chairman.. He looks somewhat familiair too.. Wait a second...
  6. ) Anyone got a screencap of that? Will i get banned if I post it? :giggle:
  7. Can't believe that our billionaire is wearing our football top to a match. I thought he didn't like the limelight..
  8. You are seriously taking the piss. Am I? Why? Do you believe everything you read in the papers, mate? Because that's certainly the impression I get from you. You're quite happy to complain about Ashley and Mort's intentions for the club, yet practically every single story that comes from the People, the Sun, the Mirror and the News of the World (papers with notoriously bad reputations) that has some bad-vibes about it you'll be there in the thread saying "oh dear, if this is true then it's bad news for us..." Do you understand why I find that frustrating? Take a step back and have a look at the stance you take on almost everything that is posted on here, you are always, always looking for the negatives and always seem to be expecting the worst-case scenario. I can understand that people are pessimists and all and I don't hold it against people who have differing opinions to mine, but when people seem to take their cue from what is written about us in the Sunday papers especially, it annoys me somewhat. That's just laughable, it really is.. I don't take anything from the Sunday rags as you call them for granted. All I've pointed out here is that if Arsenal has bid 9 million, that's a worry because Martins would be as good as gone. I haven't even reacted to the latest stories regarding Ashley naming a price or whatever (check the latest Ashley thread, I haven't even posted in it). My stance on that rumour is the same as this one: if there is any truth in it than that's a worry. The fact is I agree with your last comments in that thread regarding the papers needing to sell their stories, so I don't know why you're singling me out with this critisism because it is certainly not deserved. All I have been advocating for a while is that I felt Ashley and Mort needed to come out more and explain their plans and intentions, especially just after the takeover. Since then, I have praised (on this forum) Mort's handling of the media and what he's communicated to us has largely reduced my sceptisism. Ashley has remained as quiet as ever, but if that's what he wants than that's fine as long as Mort is his mouthpiece. The club can't help what journalists write, but they can influence their own actions and communications, which sometimes have been promising and at other times has been worrying. I am fully aware of the fact that media reports are just that and I don´t know what has given you the impression that I´m not? Am I not allowed to discuss media reports conditionally (if... then...) just like everybody else? Seriously, you need to lighten up a bit. Rather than keep pointing out that I have some obsession with everything that could be construed as negative for the club you should have a long, hard look at yourself and ask yourself why you seem so obsessed with communicating your disgust over every innocent comment I make.
  9. You are seriously taking the piss. Am I? Why?
  10. The worrying thing is, if they want him and have indeed started bidding at 9m, they will have no trouble bidding the remaining 4. We need to get his new contract negotiation sealed asap.
  11. 1-0 Blackburn.. Roque Santa Cruz
  12. Ouch, that must hurt a lot no?
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