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Everything posted by Unbelievable

  1. Unbelievable


    http://www.rokerreport.com/2013/4/2/4170706/top-swindon-site-gives-us-the-full-lowdown-on-di-canio Some quotes:
  2. Unbelievable


  3. Unbelievable


    From what I've read about his approach to football he prefers to play a traditional 442 and is big on discipline above all else. Doesn't sound like a modern day football manager capable of managing a top flight side at all. I can't wait to see how his millionaire prima donnas will react to his management style, and in turn how their board and owner will react once they realise a number of their high earners are completely overlooked while they run down their contract/sold for a huge loss. I would love to know what Short's thinking was behind this appointment.
  4. Unbelievable


    I do agree with this; the fans are just trying to look on the bright side in the hope he saves them from relegation and proves to be a Mourinho in the making. Heaven knowns what the owner/board was thinking however..
  5. Unbelievable


    What amazes me about some of the reactions is how casual some people are about fascism, as if it's a thing of the past that is deserving of mockery at the most, something that is completely harmless in today's society. It isn't, far from it, and the current economic crisis is the perfect breeding ground for movements like fascism to come to the fore again. What the flying fuck were SAFC thinking opening this can of worms, and that's before you even get to his football management credentials, experience with relegation fights and at the highest level and lack of connection to their club?
  6. Unbelievable


    League 1 club, Premier League club. Obviously one is going to get more media attention than the other. That's why 90% of football followers will know Chelsea won today but how did Crawley get on this weekend? I guess but if everyone (mainly the press) was so appalled by it then as they claim to be now it would never have come to this. Had the situation been reversed and he'd been appointed here there'd be a fair few backing him regardless too such is the exceptionally tribal/cult nature of football. Devils advocate and all that. Undoubtedly. I would like to think that the majority of our fans would be vehemently opposed to such a development however, and more importantly, the people in charge of our club would have the common sense to steer well clear.
  7. Unbelievable


    I'm still in disbelief that they've actually sacked Saint M'ON to replace him with a fascist, completely inexperienced nutcase with absolutely no ties to their club, and it's taken the daft knackers on the SMB less than 24 hours to get over losing the man they have proclaimed their saviour for the past year and a half, casually condone fascism, insult lifelong fellow fans who dare to speak out against their new head coach's political views, embrace their new man as their next saviour and all this whilst not even questioning in the slightest the sanity or judgement of their owner and board of directors.. They really are a bit special aren't they?
  8. Unbelievable


    Decency still exists on the SMB.
  9. Unbelievable


    Eh? If anything the opposite is true. Everyone is talking about Di canio and no one is talking about how s*** the team has been. perfect way way to take the pressure off them by making it all about him. The pressure is greater than ever, because if it doesn't work then it'll be pointless as well as misguided. Exactly. Also, I can't imagine Di Canio commanding instant respect in the Mackems dressing room, far from it indeed. The pressure has increased tenfold iyam, whereas under MON they only needed one good result in their next three matches where nothing much was expected from them to eleviate the pressure.
  10. Unbelievable


    Football is more important than politics, even if those particular political beliefs have cost millions of innocent people their lives, rightio..
  11. Unbelievable


    Whilst not excusable, their fans' views on the matter are at least understandable to the extent that they are just hoping for the best for their club. You have to seriously question the sanity of Short and the Sunderland board of directors though in making such a loaded appointment with no experience to speak off at such a critical time. It's like you've just lost a small fortune in a casino and just before the casino closes you desperately throw the keys to your house on number 31 on the roulette table and cross your fingers...
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