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  1. Wasn’t sure where to post this, but does anyone on here go to Stack before games? If so, how early would a group need to go on Sunday to get in without a giant queue? Never bothered before but got visitors coming for game so was looking at options. Any info appreciated.
  2. With the old shirts, is there any where (in Newcastle ideally) that authenticates them? I have a home shirt and ball signed by the squad from the early 90s with the Mckewans lager sponsor. I don’t ever intend on selling it, but wondered if some kind of authentication would be worthwhile or not.
  3. I looked at their advert about mags plus memberships - am I right that normal members can’t upgrade? Website seems to say that is only allowable for a season ticket holder. I’m not that bothered, but was just looking to see what it was about and seems a bit odd that the upgrade is not available.
  4. Gallowgate is weird how it varies so much in different pockets. Sat in different blocks for the Chelsea, arsenal and Liverpool games. If you are near the back towards strawberry corner it’s really good and near constant singing. The middle section literally might as well be empty. There’s also pockets of blokes doing the look how hard I am standing up all game - in almost complete silence!
  5. Question for those old enough to remember - did the pre expansion version of st James have better acoustics with it being level all around? I often think sound being lost from one end to the other is a negative for atmosphere and people joining in songs
  6. Is Hope a Newcastle fan? I know he lives up here. The way he goes on is laughable, but then again what do you expect from that paper.
  7. I got a successful email telling me to go into seat selection tomorrow. I had applied as a pair, but it isn’t clear to me whether I have one or two tickets/nothing on the website that I can see on my account. Just has that sign in thing. Am I right to assume I will have two? Sorry if a stupid question, not won any ballots before this one this season.
  8. Who makes the decisions on the rigging/runs it? Aside from the obvious answer of the cartel themselves. Like is it the football league and Rick parry etc making these stupid decisions?
  9. Was it just this round that was rigged? Or do the sinister six get to pick the time, location, opposition, referee for the further rounds as well?
  10. Thorpinho

    Marc Guehi

    Absolutely stinks of their chairman having us on and taking the mick
  11. Thorpinho

    Marc Guehi

    Excited to see how much Chelsea gazump us by.
  12. Do we know if the English refs are scheduled to do any more games? Tempting to not even watch it when the clown show is in charge.
  13. None of the trefoil stuff available yet then? Just a load of generic tops and the main kit it seems?
  14. That trefoil stuff looks outrageous - only available at end or we thinking club shop as well? What time does end open in town tomorrow?
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