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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Could Trippier have done more if he played to the whistle and tried to get a challenge in, not stop to appeal a hand ball that never was?
  2. Numbers

    Nick Pope

    He's been immense this season for us, he will be fucking gutted.
  3. Got our (undeserved) loss out of the way before the final, Karius has the chance to become a legend. What could go wrong?
  4. Wouldn't have beat us with Bruno on the pitch, 3 absolute brain fart moments cost us. We were the better team imo, we will be shitting all over these in a few years
  5. Imagine that, Liverpool bloke just talking about Liverpool, all part of Skys Liverpool Wankfest.
  6. Can Burger King do something about the Pope suspension?
  7. Bruno back for the final lads chill, we divent need a keeper.
  8. We've had a mare defensively but been the better team imo, more so since we went down to 10..
  9. Aye noticed that like, gave up to appeal.
  10. You shut it, the blokes a fucking bell end prancing around like a fucking idiot questioning every little thing.
  11. All smiles now from Arteta, fucking knob, hideous behaviour in every game.
  12. Shite that like, can't think of anyone who stands out for praise. Proper short of any wisdom in mf without Bruno.
  13. We're literally 1/2 the team without Bruno, hes been carrying us for months.
  14. Burn needs dropping like, been terrible tonight.
  15. ASM would get up limping after counting feathers.
  16. Though ASM was gonna run back to Newcastle there
  17. Yea, I'm also watching, we've been poor like but hardly backs to the wall clinging on for our lives stuff.
  18. Undeserved, howay man, we've been poor but hardly underserved.
  19. ASM, Willock having shockers. Predictable from us, everythings coming down the right.
  20. Some shocking performances here like, Longstaff makes some thick as fuck passes like which usually result in costing us a goal.
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