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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. the fuck is wrong with these commentators, thats miles outside the box.
  2. That was poor from ASM there, we need to wake up.
  3. Thick cunt commentators saying he was offside
  4. Its hard man, we've been spoon fed shit for years, I still never go into a game thinking we will win.
  5. What was the kick off about between the benches?
  6. Snapping up everyone, I approve.
  7. the eei eei eei oh song needs shortening like fucking hell
  8. scummy cunts, hope they go down after that.
  9. Saved the 'officials' tbh. no one will care now.
  10. Well I can safely say, win, lose or draw, another fucking diabolical display by the 'officials', they're ruining the game week in week out.
  11. Their keeper looks like that fat hairdresser off Benidorm.
  12. Blokes got the heaviest upper eyelids I've ever seen.
  13. This cunt would book you for diving though.
  14. Disgusting finish, surprised the Ref didn't send him off.
  15. Turgid, dirty cunts but unfortunately doing a job on us (with the help of a ref who looks like hes never reffed a game in his life)
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