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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. Comes across good on the Radio and has a face for it.
  2. Worst Ref I've seen in a good while, hes been fucking terrible.
  3. Im not posting anyfing incase i spel stuff rong.
  4. The only way im going to be able to listen to Bruce is in his Exit Interview.
  5. Someone needs to get on that and take the fucking heffalump to task.
  6. Kudos to anyone who can actually stomach watching this fucking idiot talk a whole load of shite. I get angry even seeing his face.
  7. 100%, I remember the sheeples booing the Sack Pardew flyers being held up in the ground.
  8. Got a face like a melted candle and the same managerial credentials.
  9. Not surprising at all this when you look at the dross he played in defence, what a fucking wazzock.
  10. Not one Anti Bruce chant, last seasons dire performances seem to have been quickly forgotten.
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