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Everything posted by Numbers

  1. IMTTS (Penn, I guess that was his former name) only comes in here to shit on people that are clinging on to the fact that we may have a club to support some time in the future.
  2. I think for point 2, he has been very good at jumping ship just before he has had to face the music for his shitness.
  3. What the fuck does that even mean? So only teams in the bottom half have bad runs? Its generally teams with a shite manager in my opinion.
  4. I hate this fucking bloke, trotting out all the tired old clichés. "You dont get many chances here", you actually fucking do if your an actual coach and you coach your team to actually win a game you dimwitted fuck. Fuck off you pest.
  5. To be fair to him, he is very, very good, sadly for us its at losing football matches.
  6. Another loss for the fat pig. Every time the camera is on him i cringe with embarrassment, hes usually licking his fucking hideos lips.
  7. Luke Edwards knows whats happening in a legal case, yea ok. Bloke lives to wind Newcastle fans up, Imagine getting paid to report on a club where 99% of the fans cant stand you.
  8. Wait, the subs made us look even worse? Who would have thought.
  9. Yep, at least they are trying to do something. Sadly some people are happy to just sit and mock the efforts of others.
  10. Oh, so exactly what every other team has had to face, hes a fucking cretin.
  11. Relying on our keeper having a blinder every week isn't tolerable.
  12. Its almost like we went out and twonked them 5-0, we desperately scraped a 0-0 draw having mid 20% possession and Liverpool had at least 3 easy chances. It's so depressing how far our fanbases expectations have fallen. Is it too much to ask for us to go out and actually pass the ball, press, i dunno even maybe have a plan. I mean you know the usual football things, its lifeless.
  13. When can i buy the DVD? People are actually satisfied with that trash, thats how far expectations have fallen.
  14. The fucking fat wax melt will be dining out on this for months.
  15. Bruce will dress this up as a good performance, they should be 3 up. Smelly cunt.
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