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Everything posted by shido

  1. shido

    Spuds tonight

    God these commentators are just...i can't even type i'm still cringing.. "I DARE YOU TOTTENHAM...I dare you"....fucking god stupid twat
  2. shido

    Spuds tonight

    ..and they're going to be commentating on FA cup matches from next season. God help us....
  3. shido

    Spuds tonight

    Yeah hes now gone to Sheebomba...i think he may have some kind of problem with words..its unbelievable
  4. Liverpool..my housemate supports em so i don't hate them...which i can't say for the other 3....
  5. shido

    Spuds tonight

    David pleat has said "Chimbomba" about 5 times now...seriously david...SERIOUSLY...just read the name....
  6. shido

    Spuds tonight

    This is just hilariously great!
  7. Ooh denise richards..ffs.....its a good comparison tho....
  8. shido

    CL Quarter finals

    Scholes is such a silly twat....he'll never learn will he...
  9. shido

    This summer's Bosmans

    Metzelder..was he a starting CB for germany in the world cup or was he the reserve one i can't remember? He's only 26...i think he's probably gonna get better offers than us... Obviously Tuncay, Saviola and Klasnic would be good moves but with a bit of risk...but same story really..no european football...they aint gonna pick up....
  10. Shearer Asprilla and Femi no doubt..although given comes so close its almost touching....
  11. Keane was a nasty piece of work on the pitch so definately him. Didn't stop him from being a class player tho....
  12. shido

    I love Newcastle

    Not heard of him before...is he any good?
  13. Yeah ITV have another gabby tho don't they?....she is always entertaining the pointless pundits in the studio while robbie earl and townsend are "Pitchside"....with their silly little itv table....
  14. Fucks sake..i'd rather listen to john motson read the entire works of shakespeare 20 times than listen to david pleat's retarded mumblings.... Poor show BBC...poor show.........
  15. Luisao is a beast i love him! Reminds of gooch a bit (now gooch is bald) as both are massive....Luisao far better tho imo based on what i've seen on the both of them. Luisao would cost a bomb load i think.....
  16. They never sell our one in bloody norwich...stupid farmers > They will have it in the Norwich shop Shido I have already found out. May 2nd they will have it by? Awesome! They can probably put names and stuff on the back too right?
  17. They never sell our one in bloody norwich...stupid farmers >
  18. Ah looks better there in the shop pic. Although those 2 white stripes and where they meet the shoulders still is a bit weird and square..oh wells it wil grow on us all..its gonna be all good!
  19. Needs to be able to sort of see it in person...not draped on a welsh midget or being held up by 2 dinosaurs.... I love it tho from my first impressions.....
  20. Totally agree dude...gonna be ace with MARTINS 9 on the back as well!
  21. silly bastards....its too late we've seen everything
  22. The 2 stripes near the armpits meet the shoulers a bit weird...kinda square chest...but still i love it
  23. He's got it tucked in wrong...love the badge in the middle
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