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Everything posted by Joe_F

  1. Proper cup tie that. Well played Shrewsbury.
  2. Wish it wasn't the Saudi's and it's probably all bullshit again but fuck it. Tuesday :frantic:
  3. Game over after seven minutes. Quality choice of fixture by the good old BBC
  4. Couple of billionaires thrown in to the mix
  5. In other words Luke doesn't have a scooby
  6. It’s fine imo if the two outside CBs are Schar & Lejeune. It's also fine if your wing backs can get forward and link effectively with the players ahead of them. Aye. Miss you Jetro.
  7. Fucking nitwit Co-commentator who's clearly never seen Atsu play.
  8. I'm so conflicted. On the one hand a homophobic, misogynistic, murderous regime. On the other we might get Rafa back.
  9. Joe_F

    Nabil Bentaleb

    He thinks we've got a 'project'. Poor lad.
  10. Can see Fulham winning this league.
  11. Joe_F

    Nabil Bentaleb

    Always thought he was fairly decent at Spurs. No idea what's happened to him in Germany but quite excited by this tbh.
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