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Everything posted by Joe_F

  1. Nowt upfront now just inviting pressure. Fucking ridiculous Bruce.
  2. Yeah lose all our pace up front. Fucking imbecile.
  3. The number of times Longstaff's given the ball away ffs
  4. Miggy's first thought when he scores is to celebrate with the bloke who set him up. Love the lad.
  5. £40m down the drain. Thank fuck we didn't stump up the £16m for that 29 year old bloke.
  6. Shelvey's been okay. Apart from that a pile of shite.
  7. The only hope is a bit of class by ASM... Oh hang on
  8. Giving Burnley pre-notice that we're changing formation. Good lad Brewcey.
  9. Good to see that Bruce has coached that decent set piece delivery out of Lazaro.
  10. Have we got an option on Lazaro ?
  11. Arsenal can foul ASM at will cos this cunt is never going give anything
  12. Cracking game. Villa are unlucky to be behind. Which is nice.
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