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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. It doesn't look promising for Haidara, Colback, De Jong or Hanley. Must all be on the way out. Fairly imminently I would think.
  2. Just backing up what Ryder said earlier. He's probably right about Ginger Jack too.........
  3. Ryder 'Understand links to Jovetic are unfounded. In brighter news, Colback likely to remain now after clear the air talks with RB'.
  4. Pretty sure he wasn't. He was pictured flying out of NCL on Monday, IIRC. Wasn't that for some African football awards (or possible Tiote related event) in London though?
  5. Yup. Although at the price quoted you would think someone would be offering given his 6 goals and 4 assists in 1200 minutes for Sevilla to end last campaign. Nevertheless if he goes to Sevilla in the end (I believe they are in the final qualifying round for UCL ) then that is one thing. Would be annoyed if Brighton gets him though at that price or a loan/future fee agreement. Agreed.
  6. This is the standard of player I'd hoped we'd be picking up throughout the window.
  7. Yeah you could tell that's what was going to happen next. Sky had arranged for the sky to go dark behind him, and had a special zoom macro set up on the camera, with his face perfectly framed for the diabolical laugh. They even had the lighting ready to flicker to simulate lightning strikes. He did well to keep that last line in, but ruined a golden moment of Sky and David Craig. What a bell. Wish he was struck by lightning the cunt.
  8. He, very noticeably, stopped short of completing the sentence around his proposed model. Refraining from finishing with 'and then sell them for a huuuuuggge profit' which was clearly the next and final step in the model being complete when taking about buying up young talent from around Europe.
  9. The fly in the ointment would be any potential buyers having to try to negotiate something sensible with the immovable beast.
  10. I suspect the "red mist" is an incurable problem for some players, some of the legends. How many times was Zidane sent off? See also Roy Keane, Gerrard, etc. The problem with Shelvey is that he is unproven as a "the red mist is worth it" player in the Premiership. He was easily better than so many Championship midfielders that his disciplinary problems weren't a problem in that league. He was offering enough in the games he did play. He's now playing at a much higher standard though, and either has to perform at a level that still makes him worth it or cut it out so it is not an issue. He's yet to have more than five good games for us in Premiership fixtures. His debut at home to West Ham was his only stand out game from memory. Said it during pre-season but I'm surprised Rafa has stuck with him tbqh, even before this incident. He'd have been for sale for me and I said that back in June/July.
  11. Apparently being seeing a pyschologist since the Forest game last season to tame the red mist. Obviously working well for the idiot.
  12. That's a scissor tackle if anyone other than Englands Harry Kane does it.
  13. Braindead cunt. If you're gonna get sent off then smash the cunt.
  14. Yes, in the form of an interest free £120m loan that is never being paid back. You mean until he sells the club at a huge profit presumably? It's like anyone else sticking £50k on their mortgage to buy a nice car when their house has tripled in value.
  15. And you can fuck off with that nonsense.
  16. Oh aye Mike, you'd fucking cracked it during the golden era of Alan Pardew. Fucks sake. So many chopper crashes every year and this cunt eludes every bastard one. Come on Mother Nature put tens of thousands of fans out of their misery and blow this cunt into a mountain range please.
  17. We are in desperate need of a defensive midfielder, we only have one and thats Hayden! Merino?
  18. I have a feeling he might go to Villa.
  19. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    Many of the blocks we look after in London are Russian owned/Russian money.
  20. They'll have been fucking embarrassed by that. Of course they'll care. Anything apart from a hiding would be nice to take to Huddersfield. Still think we can get something though. Yup - they were embarrassed. They were great all season and Arsenal pipped them on the final day due to their failure to get a result out of a relegated side. It matters.
  21. Minhosa

    St James' Park

    Doubt it. The block of flats directly opposite SJP look great if you want to reach for your toast, and take a piss at the same time from the comfort of your bed. We work in loads of them in London and the answer is a resounding no. They're short term single occupancy rooms. Perhaps some sort of temporary housing for single people/homeless etc but certainly not suitable for families or even couples.
  22. That was over a year ago though, doubt they'll actually give a shit if i'm honest. He does. Even Rafa mentioned it this morning. I'd wager Poch will say so himself if asked the question pre or post match.
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