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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. We'll never know true figures as they include ST holders if they turn up or not. You can find out via a freedom of information request that I'm sure the campaign will be putting in. Hope so.
  2. If Spurs can get a couple, the super loyal hero fans, will start to disappear.
  3. Sky sports commentary team not mentioned the boycott yet, have they?
  4. Minhosa


    Shame there isn't a big gap in one whole stand or something to reaffirm the point.
  5. Minhosa


    Tell him he's a cunt from me.
  6. Minhosa

    John Carver

    What will it take for the dickheads that continue to fund this regime to stop? John fucking Carver man.
  7. Minhosa


    I like how so many people say 'well, this summers Ashleys big test' . Like he hasn't failed so many fucking tests along the way. It's not like he's had 30 driving lessons and he's ready to pass or fail. This cunt's had 30 car crashes and still people talk of his 'big test' as though, from nowehere, some shred of genuine ambition is going to appear . It's not. The only hope is to force him out, and if this campaign increases the likelihood of his departure or hastens it, then I'm all for it.
  8. Minhosa

    George Caulkin

    The only local journalist with any credibility tbh.
  9. Yup. Absolutely no integrity either. Did the ban really harm their sales that much? Did they really get into journalism to report what a bunch of shithouses want them to? Should have a NUFC boycott of this fucking rag too in response to their general shiteness.
  10. Minhosa

    NUFC finances

    Could the increase in staff costs not be a performance related bonus?
  11. Absolutely disgraceful. The irony being that those useless bastards will benefit massively from a new owner due to access restrictions being lifted and people wanting to read about their club again. Shocking pack of spineless twats. No integrity whatsoever.
  12. Minhosa

    John Carver

    That was the fucking weakest interview ever. At no point did the interviewed challenge the cunt. Is this the Bishedia at play again?
  13. Minhosa

    John Carver

    'Restored some pride' WHAT THE FUCK?
  14. Minhosa

    John Carver

    10 for Tenlicks.
  15. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Agree. Thank fuck. Still, it'll only be some other mediocre chump and he'll have to work with these fuckwits anyway due to their ludicrous contracts. Yep. McClaren for my money.
  16. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Jamie Carragher should just shut the fuck up, the squeaky scouse cunt.
  17. No one in the entire organization cares, so it's not going to be shocking when a player is like "Fuck it." Sissoko is a good midfielder for me. Not that I disagree with statements saying he's not exactly an "Arsenal" style player. More suited to Chelsea/City, but he'd probably just eternally be on their bench with all their other good-but-not-great midfielders. Which leaves him minimal options, in the UK at least. Would take some impressive levels of scouting failure for Sissoko to end up at City or Chelsea. In all seriousness, he's woefully inconsistent and lacks any footballing intelligence. In happier times I'd want the dafties nowhere near the club but somehow he's one of our better players. Yup.
  18. Which he's clearly tried to use. Like Debuchy, as soon as the money is right, he'll go. That's the gig, no point in pretending it's anything else. Wherever he goes, he'll need a fucking brain transplant to play in a 'footballing team' though. Arsenal? You're having a laugh. Like France? 3 goals and 2 assists all season in league. 3 goals and 6 assists all last season in the league. 6 goals and 8 assists in two years and yet people still think he's some sort of star player. He plays for us So does Jack Colback. 3 Goals and 4 Assists. And he's notably less offensive. Other than the ginger hair.
  19. Which he's clearly tried to use. Like Debuchy, as soon as the money is right, he'll go. That's the gig, no point in pretending it's anything else. Wherever he goes, he'll need a fucking brain transplant to play in a 'footballing team' though. Arsenal? You're having a laugh. Like France? 3 goals and 2 assists all season in league. 3 goals and 6 assists all last season in the league. 6 goals and 8 assists in two years and yet people still think he's some sort of star player.
  20. Been shit for a while now. Up to January he was probably our player of the season. Overrated by many. Only capable of sheer athleticism. Some brawn, zero brains. Completely untrue. Completely accurate. The guy is just an athlete. He literally doesn't think or read the game.
  21. Which he's clearly tried to use. Like Debuchy, as soon as the money is right, he'll go. That's the gig, no point in pretending it's anything else. Wherever he goes, he'll need a fucking brain transplant to play in a 'footballing team' though. Arsenal? You're having a laugh.
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