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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. To think this lad hasn't kicked a ball this year and daft cunts like Obertan, Sammy and Riviere have is crazy.
  2. Eh? Why would, or even should, he be? What the fuck is all that about? Hate to say it but if a Northern Manager (Charver or Allardyce) said that there would be headlines and seriously inferred racism.
  3. Minhosa

    John Carver

    This bloke is getting the job isn't he?
  4. Equally they could want to give their fans a bit of a response to last week/a bit of hope for next season by putting in a shift. I think there could be a twist in the tale this weekend. I certainly don't think Hull at Spurs is a given home win.
  5. Spurs still going for a europa spot, although form has dipped of late. Man U will hopefully be still battling it out with Arsenal to see who finishes 3rd or 4th. Don't the 4th place finishers have to go through a play off to qualify outright for the champions league? If anyone has nothing to play for it's our opponents, QPR and West Ham. That's not to say i've any confidence in beating them though. Spurs are very obviously trying to avoid a fucking Europa spot.
  6. Aye - he's just playing out a sheer vindictive plot now imho. This is about more than money to him, this is about getting his own back on fans that sang nasty songs about him.
  7. He started the season really well for them iirc. I'd probably take him as a short term Tiote replacement.
  8. I don't even bother considering categorising them tbqh. Ultimately, whether we like or hate them, they're just assets in the minds of the owner. If they are all constantly 'for sale' there is really no point in taking any of the to heart. The last player I really liked was HBA but that was partly because of his talent and partly for the renegade factor. Knowing he had the potential, at any time, to give the regime a big fuck off tablet kind of shone a light.
  9. Have us down on 36. I have Hull 4th bottom on 38 points and then the Mackems 5th bottom on 40 points.
  10. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Is he for fucking real? He's like Kinnears long lost fucking lovechild this daft cunt.
  11. Yours Truly Keith B Fabricio Coloccini
  12. West Brom are safe. To be honest we could barely have asked for 3 better games to end the season with. Except WBA are on the back of a really good win and are far better organised than we'll ever be under this moron, QPR have the Barton factor (hates our board, might like to make a point) and West Ham have Nolan (hates our Board) and Fat Sam (would love to send us down to prove a point). It's not like those last two games don't have a little bit of a niggly feel to them.
  13. Mackems have still got two wins in them yet. They do it every year.
  14. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Quite easy to read between the lines on this one.......we've lined him up for the summer all along and then this season goes shit shaped and we've effectively said to him 'It's now or never' and he's looked at it and thought 'Fuck that, on those terms, never'. I'd be amazed to see him approached again in Ashley's tenure. Surely Ashley and Penfold would question his bollocks/suitability for the role if he won't roll over at their whim. If my assumptions are correct, then good on him. I'm pleased he didn't come as he'd very much represent 'more of the same' in the medium term. At least select someone who gives us some hope.
  15. Minhosa


    He's the one that would set the price though. So, in theory, if he really wanted rid of the club he could flog it for £150m which he would get all day long but he won't. We need to make his tenure as uncomfortable as possible giving him no option but to actively market the club for as little as he's prepared to accept for it. We're nowhere near that point yet imho.
  16. Lump on at whatever odds you can get.
  17. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Thread title update? John Carver: Still Fucking Here.
  18. Minhosa

    Lee Charnley

    Agree Mick. The guy is a sitting duck but has done himself no favours whatsoever. Wonder if the bringing forward of the fans forum thing will be postponed now that we're looking doomed?
  19. There's a few there that would stay imho but the fundamental problem, should we go down, is the lack of character in the squad. People talk of getting relegated with Nolan, Barton, Harper etc, which is correct, but the shame of relegation galvanised them into putting it right. I don't see anyone in the whole squad with that strength of character this time.
  20. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Wait four months for a second rate, championship failure only for him to reject us . You couldn't make it up.
  21. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    We need a young manager who has more ambition than the club and we need one who has done something to prove that he's capable, McClaren isn't that person and it would be more of the same. He's a step up and Pardew and a step up on Carver but is that enough? Is that the best we should expect and wish for? The answer to that is both yes and no. Yes, that's probably the best we can expect with the clowns running the club. No, as supporters of the club we should want better. Bang on. Hardly an inspirational appointment but entirely predictable from a regime with zero ambition. I was one of the biggest Freddie Shepherd critics on here but I long for a time when we had some ambition/will to compete. It should never have come to this. I wouldn't hold Shepherd up as a shining light, getting managers in wasn't his strong point and it was one of my biggest problems with him. Souness, Roeder and Allardyce were terrible appointments. He's never been held up as a shining light by me. I was one of his biggest critics. I still sense he would have went balls out for a proper manager in this scenario though.
  22. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    We need a young manager who has more ambition than the club and we need one who has done something to prove that he's capable, McClaren isn't that person and it would be more of the same. He's a step up and Pardew and a step up on Carver but is that enough? Is that the best we should expect and wish for? The answer to that is both yes and no. Yes, that's probably the best we can expect with the clowns running the club. No, as supporters of the club we should want better. Bang on. Hardly an inspirational appointment but entirely predictable from a regime with zero ambition. I was one of the biggest Freddie Shepherd critics on here but I long for a time when we had some ambition/will to compete. It should never have come to this.
  23. Siem De Jong nailed on to be thrown in as a starter and get injured after someone runs passed him too quickly causing his back to break, ruling him out for the final two games.
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