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Everything posted by SUPERTOON


    Today's Games

    Good news is we are still top the league

    Today's Games

    Ethutu destroyed Jenas

    Today's Games

    Villa Liverpool just kicked off
  4. Just said we played two or three different ways and closed out game well something not done in previus seasons.
  5. Look forward to Football first MOTD and Goals on sunday plus sunday paper tomorrow.
  6. Martins leads scoring charts on another note my dream team not doing to badly
  7. On Bolton official site So nervous i am desperate for a win today for newcastle utd
  8. http://www.bwfc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/General/0,,1004~1089574,00.html Diouf on bench for Bolton
  9. Harper Carr Taylor Rozenhal Zoggy Smith Butt Geremi Milner Martins Viduka Solano on bench
  10. So nervous and expecting a really tough game i think we will struggle against Diouf and Anelka
  11. Couldnt care less if they both leave
  12. Sunderland fan saying that he is back on his way to SOL for medical.
  13. Yer 1 year he was out of contract this summer and signed for another year.
  14. Boro fans saying there deal for Mido deal is off Sunderland have upped there bid. How much money do sunderland have.
  15. Bye bye Nobby time to bring in someone better
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