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Everything posted by SUPERTOON

  1. Bet they still can’t defend either ?
  2. Should be a good game this one.
  3. That Leicester defence against that Liverpool attack could get messy.
  4. I’d be surprised if Ranieri was in charge by the time we play them.
  5. I think they will spend a bit but mostly look for loans, also timing is everything, we really need the majority in by Watford.
  6. It’s still and if at the minute though, we have no idea how much they will spend and who we will manage to bring in.
  7. Results so far showing what a huge point last night could be.
  8. Is it making you think about Clark even more ? ?
  9. Probably need at least 5 wins, really need the next 2 to be off.
  10. I don’t care how bad Everton are, us without ASM and Wilson gives us almost no chance of beating them.
  11. Fraser injury could tip it or have you counted that one ?
  12. A loan move for Martial would make sense now imo, can play through the middle and then out wide if and when Wilson comes back.
  13. I would be shocked if we didn’t report another few injuries to get the Everton and Southampton games off
  14. Sounds like the Everton game could be off based on our numbers.
  15. That’s something to build on, need the signings in asap to build on it.
  16. Massive point, wouldn’t be shocked if the Everton game is off either.
  17. He’s clearly aware Ritchie isn’t good enough which is a massive plus for me.
  18. Didn’t realise they only had 13 points at this stage last season either and ended up on 41
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