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Everything posted by SUPERTOON

  1. He was at the FA before he went there, highly rated by Brighton, however article states we still don’t expect to appoint a DOF until end of January so not sure how close this actually is.
  2. Absolutely no guarantee we piss the championship.
  3. It still might depending on the amount of cases still at Man Utd.
  4. Surely it would be more a case of setting the whole team up differently so the defence has the maximum protection possible ?
  5. Not with salah and mane gone in January
  6. City are going to walk the title
  7. If we still have Murphy and Ritchie fullbacks by Watford it’s incompetent from the owners.
  8. Have to disagree with the showing enough improvement. We do look much fitter, however we have looked poor or worse in most of the games under Howe. Not laying all the blame at his door for that, it’s mainly down to the squad we have.
  9. Again it was the most concerning thing about his appointment for me, his Bournemouth side had a a terrible record and we have worse defenders than them.
  10. I would love to know a detailed reason as to why anyone believes we will stay up, the whole squad is absolutely rotten.
  11. We look worse defending now than ever before, was always the risk given how bad Howes Bournemouth side defended as well.
  12. I didn’t say he wasn’t our best keeper, it’s not a difficult task.
  13. It’s still to early to judge him based on the squad we have and the mess he walked into. There have been some encouraging signs and other worrying selections but hopefully January will help with that.
  14. Going with only 2 defenders and one of them being Clark is a pretty bold move against city ?
  15. Hayden at centre back is better, Clark literally is the worst option.
  16. After what he did against Norwich he shouldn’t be allowed to play.
  17. We really do need the transfers done as soon as the window is open.
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