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Everything posted by SUPERTOON

  1. Already been discussed on here a few times If they where being viewed as separate, would this not have been passed long ago.
  2. One thing I don’t understand is all the excitement from the journalists that this is being released at 3, the premier league has had the draft report for weeks already.
  3. Someone suggested that they would have needed the official report and not the draft version to use as evidence to knock it back.
  4. Surely safe to assume that it’s simply a case of the league waiting for today’s official report before announcing any decision, the draft report they have had for weeks will have already been gone through in depth I assume.
  5. It's more likely that what you described happened a month ago, as reported by Guardian at the time. The WTO website states that the report is released to WTO members (I assume this means to the public, as nearly every country is a WTO member) 30 days after being sent to the disputing parties. I think we're at that stage but who knows.. It's interesting that KSA have made public their defence on the dispute on the home page of the government portal. It was indeed published yesterday. If anything, it's the first public act of determination from their side to get the deal done and it indicates that the WTO report will be indeed made public this week. The report will be damning for sure, despite KSA's claims that it's a geopolitical matter of national security, not a trade dispute. Can't see the PL fuckers deciding for another week at least. The premier league has already had a draft copy for weeks though, so the official report shouldn’t really be reason for further delay surely?
  6. https://twitter.com/megatoon1892/status/1272580782146510849?s=20
  7. The PL lawyers will be important in the decision and for me it hinges on PIF being a separate legal entity. So we are screwed then
  8. Surely if the legal teams findings show that it should be passed, then it has to be because the buyers would have to be given reasons why it hasn’t.
  9. If you said or tweeted what he did in any other job you would be at risk of losing it, so why shouldn’t he ?
  10. When the guardian wrote about the WTO report a few weeks back, did they not describe it as a slam dunk for Qatar ? Surely that suggests the evidence will be used to block the takeover?
  11. Have a look at my post just above yours. That is what I explain in there . . why they are "needing" the WTO report published, before they can announce the approval of the Takeover !! Cheers
  12. Isn't It because it can be appealed when published? In which case they wouldn't be able to use the judgement... So does that mean the whole report is meaningless to this takeover ? If so why wait for it at all?
  13. Surely if they are waiting for the report, it’s because they will use it to block the takeover, otherwise why else would they be waiting, it would have been passed by now surely.
  14. Does her performance in the courtroom have any bearing on our takeover ?
  15. It’s not, however nothing has changed for a couple of weeks despite all the articles that continue to come out.
  16. I think the buyers confidence is now completely irrelevant, they expected this to pass weeks ago, they clearly did not expect for whatever has come up, so how can they be convinced?


    If they can’t afford to finish league 1 and 2 this season, how can they afford to start a new one assuming still no fans as expected ?
  18. Why are people believing the account that tweeted it ?
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