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Posts posted by Conjo

  1. Tin hat on here but I'm against video technology.


    Football has been for played well over a hundred years now in almost every continent, it was called the 'Beautiful Game' without video technology and I reckon it should stay that way. At least when something controversial happens we'll have something to discuss.


    Not for me.


    If football didn't evolve, you would probably still be trying to kick a decapitated head from Newcastle to Sunderland together with a few thoasand people.

  2. Chelsea, Liverpool, Man Utd, Tottenham and West ham.


    I wanted Boro and S*nderland in the list as well, but I assumed so many of you already had picked them, so I could prioritize the underdogs.

  3. Can't believe Lescott never got in


    I wouldn't let McClaren manage a sunday league team


    I don't think his manager wanted him to go.


    McLaren called Moyes up and said "I'm going to call up Joleon" and Moyes replied "Joleon, Joleon, Joleon, Joleon - I'm begging of you please don't take my man, please don't take him just because you can."


    Sadly, that song has never took off at Goodison :(


    Would be hillarious if you sing this when/if Joleon gets sent off.

  4. Didn't someone land on his foot? A freak-injury by the sound of it, nothing to do with the boots or fragile feet.


    It wasn't just someone. It was bloody Michael "Michelin" Duberry. Strange that he didn't snap the foot in two.

  5. Braathen is a quality player now? :lol:


    He has his days, but they are more rare than any on-off player I've ever seen in the premiership. Perhaps he will focus more now because of better opposition, and if so, Bolton can cosider them very lucky.


    There is a reason he hasn't been shipped out from Norway before now, at 25, (Arsenal was very interested according to Norwegian newspapers two years ago) but im glad someone gambled on him - as he has the potential to be a great player. We need this kind of players playing their best for Norway, and I hope Bolton can make him do that.

  6. What is now apparent in our support, and I am intrigued by your situation, is that further down the line, we now have a situation where we're so f****** relieved to be rid of the old guard, and the new guard are looking excellent in (almost) all they have done, that there is a culture of "how dare you complain, how f****** ungrateful" which surpresses anyone criticising or questioning the new regime, however valid or constructive that criticism.


    Faith is excellent, blind faith is naive and dangerous, and that, for me, is why we need to maintain this healthy scepticism.


    The same is going on over here mate. If you question the wisdom of certain signings, people come out with the same old tired responses ("so we should go out and buy Kaka should we?"). Allardyce came out to the press a few days ago and said the new owners don't really know what they're doing in the transfer market, started quoting how much clubs like Fulham are spending and said we're getting left behind while targets are getting nailed every day. He said he needs to get across to them the importance of moving quickly so he can get the defenders he needs. It was a plea via the media to Ashley and co for money. I'm not even sure Allardyce has met Ashley yet, but a good number of fans were concerned he's using the media to ask for funds and fast. However, come on here and voice that and you get the sarcy "let's sign Kaka then" brigade saying there's ages left in the transfer window so shut up.


    Clearly this internal review is slowing things down, and nobody has any idea when it'll finish, but if it's concerning Allardyce then it should concern the fans. If he knows more than us and he's concerned then something's not right, and if he doesn't know more than us then what the hell is going on? I don't like to see my manager looking for funds via the media, it suggests communication behind the scenes is limited and it doesn't look very professional.


    On the previous page somebody made the comparison to the Emperor's new clothes and that's exactly what's going on. I imagine things are similar over at your end, though I must admit I haven't been following your summer at all.


    Didn't Mort say a while ago that he had daily contact with Allardyce, and that he again reported back to Ashley?

  7. Overall Sunderland stand a greater chance of staying up this season than they did the last they were promoted but the fact of the matter is they are still going to struggle. They don't appear to have learned from old mistakes by continuing to to purchase championship standard player and like Sheffield United last season unless some serious work is done in the remainder of the market I seriously doubt that the single factor of a strong manager will be good enough to keep them up.


    There is no doubt Sunderland are in a much improved position to what they were this time two years ago. They have a new board willing to spend money a new manager and improved playing staff. Although Keane is untested in the premier league his strength of character and general managing skills would appear to be greater than that of  the hopeless Mick, who seems to have found his level in the championship. The squad is also a lot stronger with improvements across the board.


    However I still feel this won't be enough to keep them up. A while ago I felt serious investment had to be made in the club for them to even have a chance of staying up and to an extent they have invested, however they look no better for it. They've basically signed a combination of unknown quantities and and players who you'd expect to be playing their trade in the championship. You'd have thought a new board and a new manager would have learned from the past the mistakes of the previous regime but it would appear they haven't. It's most likely down to a lack of their own pulling power and the greater pulling power of others, but these players alone lack genuine quality and I feel will struggle to keep Sunderland afloat. The gap between the championship and premiership is bigger than ever before, only few and far between are promoted and establish themselves in a difficult league. There can be no room for passengers, unfortunately for the mackems they have a squad full of them.


    Cracking post.  Much better look at things than you get from a lot of our fans, some of whom do think Europe is attainable goal.


    Have to agree here. The one (and only)time I was on the SMB (mainly to read about Chopra), I got the sence that the " *puts fingers in ears* nananaNananananananananan I can't heeeeeeaaaaar yooooououuuu" routine was very much alive every time someone questioned the actions of both the board and Keane.

  8. Norway has the largest Newcastle supporterclub in the world, and have two quality forums I think is worth mentioning.


    Norways official supportersite and forum (You need to register though to participate/read in the forum)




    Norways unofficial supportersite and forum (You can read w/o registrating, although you won't understand much, but to participate you need to register)



  9. Would love a player of Barzagli's calibre to play for Newcastle.

    You don't have to watch a player gazillion times to see if it's a class player or not.


    Barzagli is just the type of player we need right now, and it sends a message to everyone that we have real ambitions even this season if we got him.

  10. And when he sent the same SMS to all the Norwegian celebrity-women and asked them out. That was f****** hilarious! This is what he wrote (translated of course):


    ''Hi. After a lot of calling and after using a lot of my contacts, I finally got your number. I have always thought that you are charming, sexy and stuff, but of course: you seem very exciting. I hope we can get in thouch, and I will of course ask you out for a romantic dinner for two. Kisses from John Arne Riise xxx.''


    Only he wrote it with a lot of spelling errors.  :D


    I can't remember who - but there was a celebrity pair (both rockers) who often had something they called "pling-party". Every time she got an SMS from Riise, they both had to take a shot of vodka. Apparently, they got pretty wasted a couple of times.

  11. I wouldn't touch Riise with a rotten stick. I fucking hate his guts to the point where it gets ridiculous.


    Even if I base them on quality my choice is easlily Heinze, as he has the qualities we need right now - the defensive qualities.

    Riise is good in the offensive part, but the only thing he contributes to defensivley is to whack the ball as hard as he can up the field, unless the ball is played to his feet moving forward.


    He is a grade A dumbass, and I think all the Norwegians on here could easily approve that.

  12. Torres is as much an unkown quantity than any other forward shipped into the prem the amount of forwards with world class reps that have failed to adapt to the prem is notable think Fernando M, Shevchenko i could go on saying that he does have a bit of pace about him but afterall thats what we all said about luque....


    Morientes has never been so called world class. He didn't make the Real M. squad, and was loaned out to Monaco for christs sake. He was never a regular in his long spell with the Madrid outfit. You have a point with Sheva, but i think that is much down to the fact that he wasn't used right. He is a class player, maybe on his way down, but still an amazing player.


    Torres has many years left in him, and has played in one of the biggest leagues in the world for many years already. He is proven on the international stage with spain as well.


    Given time to adopt, and used right, he will be one of PL's main attractions for years to come.

  13. I don't rate Liverpool's that highly for some reason - Torres is good - Kuyt, hard worker, Voronin - -unknown quantity, Crouch 'good touch for a big man' - prefer our selection of strikers to theirs.



    Torres is world class imo. Kuyt isn't only a hard worker - he is an excellent finisher as his goal tally from Feyenoord shows. Those two would complement each other perfect I would imagine. Don't know much about Voronin, but with him, Crouch and Bellamy, they certainly look to have the best group of strikers in the league.


    As for best attack in the league, Man Utd is definatley a good shout, and im sure Chelsea's would be a strong 2nd if they were allowed more freedom when attacking.

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