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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Ooooooh! Look at me everyone! look at me! I'll be in Bordeaux in August!


    I hope the irony of making a post accusing someone of attention seeking is not lost on you.  :lol:


    An outrageous claim if I ever I heard one. I do no such thing. Never!

  2. Eric steele replacing Woodman according to daily mail, and carver to be replaced as assistant. There's a decent start.


    Fantastic news! Absolutely giddy about this.  :lol:


    Loving McClaren already.  :aww:

  3. Kaka. Add Leroux on Instagram homie. that gif is you for next 5 hours. 


    No way man!  :lol:


    I'll be up all night and then depressed all day tomorrow. Can't bear it.


    I'm so far away from such beauties man. I really don't know what I've done to deserve this.

  4. :lol: Y'all ain't ready, KaKa. Rapinoe to Melo Nigeria. Soccer f***ing canceled nationwide.


    Believe me if I could retract every single one of those posts I would  :lol:


    I didn't 't do my research. This Rapinoe is frightening. I will not be watching the game. I know what's coming, and I refuse to experience it again.

  5. Amazingly good looking Leroux replaced by the super hot Morgan


    Man ... I love a sexy female athlete. You Americans are so blessed.


    Objectifying their looks and not that ability as sportswomen.


    What a pig.  :huff:


    Nah man  :lol:


    I'm actually a big supporter of female sports in general. I admire women that play sports. It's very cool.


    Now when a woman I find attractive is also sporty and still feminine ... I am done for. Honestly I am at their mercy. Just incredibly sexy. Th absolute best.

  6. Havent seen a physio on a pitch yet in this world cup, in 4 games I've watched.  There has been numerous times where I've expected a player to be rolling around and waving their arms about like they've been shot, and they've just got straight up :lol:


    Makes the mens game look embarrassing in that sense


    So true now you mention it! :lol:

  7. :lol: That's a f***ing outstanding ball. Rapinoe is the s***.




    It was an outstanding delivery. We didn't have one that good all season.


    Almost every team I have watched so far is better than Newcastle in every way.

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