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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. The local media are playing a huge part in bringing down the club. No question.


    They essentially spread the word that this is all okay, and people should accept it all. Peddling every excuse under the sun for these incompetent people.


    It's the reason you see the crazy posts on social media from people claiming this is the best we can expect.


    The over-annoyed plum act is very tiresome now.


    Suspect tonight is going to be cold and s****.


    Shola go away.

  2. Yup, I'm at breaking point. I'll take relegation now, and I never thought I'd feel that way.


    The thought of starting next season with Carver is so utterly revolting, I can't tell you.

  3. Honestly, what is everyone's problem with John Carver?

    Im getting sick of all the negative talk about him, hes doing the best job he can with what's available, we've got about 600 injuries and haven't really had a full squad all season. It doesn't matter who was in charge

    Im sure if Frank De Boer came here and had a bad start the abuse would start flowing again

    Support your club and stop whinging about everything that goes on

    - Shaneo



    https://www.facebook.com/banter.4.nufc?fref=nf :kinnear: :kinnear:


    Man ... I thought that was your post.


    The amount of abuse I was about to rain down on your skull. I swear.

  4. Never seen so many shameless brownnosers. No integrity whatsoever.


    Everyone talks a good game, but once the chips are down they sell their souls in a heartbeat.


    Carver the classic example. Absolutely pathetic human being. It's why they all want him in the job, because they are all cut from the same cloth.


  5. Okay, Pirlo runs games, but Kaka was more involved than a Lampard IMO. His passing and dribbling was of a higher standard, and he was still a major goal threat too.


    Lampard is quality no question, but I could understand why the likes of Pirlo and Kaka would be seen as better players.


    Definitely wouldn't say Lampard was just about goals, but his all round game wasn't as strong as those two I don't think.

  6. Lampard man, I mean he's quality, but he's not a Kaka or Pirlo type at all. Those guys run entire games when they're on, and that kind of player is of greater value IMO.


    Doesn't mean Lampard isn't quality though. Maybe more comparable to a Ballack perhaps? Who was top quality himself.

  7. “For whatever reason the fans get up for it. It usually is an entertaining game.


    “I don’t want it too entertaining if I’m honest as long, as we come out on the right end of the score.”


    This horseshit better be made up.

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