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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. He's got the job apparently and told the players at a team meeting this morning. f*** me.


    And here we go ...


    How can this be justified in any manner at all. And the idiot is all too happy to take the job.


    This is just so terrible man.

  2. Pardew left the club at the beginning of January, and we didn't bother appointing a manager, but instead wrote off the rest of the season to wait until the summer, while putting a major Neanderthal in charge.


    It is now seeming increasingly likely that said Neanderthal is going to remain in the position, despite being the most crass, undignified and unqualified cretin you could ever imagine to meet.


    How anyone can think Ashley is finally going to get it this summer is beyond me. Even if by some miracle he is thinking of doing the right thing this summer, than we have to make sure he doesn't waver from that though process, by sending a strong message with this boycott, so that there is no doubt as to how disgusting the current situation is.

  3. A lad on skunkers who is normally on the ball reckons he's told the squad today that he has the job next season - f*** OFF!


    For anyone unsure about boycotting then if that isn't enough reason then nothing ever will be!


    I'd be done for certain. Would be so ridiculous man.

  4. If Liverpool finish 5th, I think that's about what their squad merits imho. Would be a bit unfair on Rodgers.


    Massively so!  :lol:


    They sold their best player and the replacement, Balotelli, hasn't done a thing.


    Not to mention Sturridge was out so long, and is still inching his way back.

  5. Old mate of mine is still going - says life's too short to get involved in politics. :(


    I'm sorry, but you really have to re-evaluate your life if you cannot bear to miss one game watching this horrid team.


    What an incredibly depressing existence. Need to get some more excitement and adventure in your life if that's the case.


    Actually really annoying me all of this. It's pathetic.



  6. My dad won't budge. Using the stupid excuses of won't miss a home game and he has already paid for his ST. This is the same bloke who was in Alicante v Arsenal the other week.


    Mong. Just for that I am making sure I won't go for a pint with him even though I am travelling up from Southampton this weekend and won't be back for a while.


    Break in while he's out and steal all his footwear.

  7. Thing is George, Carver will get the job if he keeps us up this season, whilst the possibility of us getting a win from somewhere is totally beyond me. We're basically relying on the teams slow us not to win because we're not goin to collect any points.



    He'll get demoted to his eight year ass. man. contract. We'll hire a new, cheap head coach to keep the sheep happy to buy season tickets.


    ass man contract :lol:



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