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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Incidence rate of a recurrent sponatenous pneumothorax is between 25- 50% with most occuring within the year after suffering the first one. The club medics should be aware of that and know the likelihood was high for him to get this again pretty soon. Who the hell are our medical team? They are either crap or the club arrogantly ignore their advice blinded by pound signs. Either way it's bit us on the arse yet again. If something's  much cheaper than it should be there's usual a bloody good reason... Get well soon Siem..




    Lots of laughs and banter I bet! Useless ogres.

  2. Can see Lambert getting the push now


    No chance.


    Untouchable. Even if we go down.


    To think, tonight was the first time the fans have *really* turned on him.


    Here's his record since September 20th:


    LLLLLLDDDWWLDLDDLLLLL (P21 W2 D6 L13; 8 goals for, 33 against).


    Staggering that he's still here.


    So at which point was the improved contract offered?


    Brummie can correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure it was after four games this season which went WDWW including a 0-0 draw against us. Even then, Villa only scored four goals in those matches 1-0-2-1


    Yes, it was after four league games.


    We'd taken 10 points from 12, yes, but even then there were warning signs.


    As you said, we hardly scored, we played you at home and didn't have a shot on target, and we got knocked out of the League Cup to Leyton Orient (a game in which we failed to score).


    On the back of that, new four year contract.


    I can not believe what has become of Lerner. Four years of being very good, followed by 4, approaching 5 years of making Ashley look good.


    Honestly, I just can't believe it.


    This is what picking the wrong woman can do to a man.



  3. Thought you were slightly above that, Kaka.


    Just slightly  :lol:


    To be fair I wasn't intending to have a go at him. Just sick of all the crap news in general.


    Get well soon Siem. No hard feelings.


    To be fair we don't even know what we're missing as he hasn't even played yet, so it's not that painful.

  4. Germany are s*** iyam. Narrowly beat a s**** argentina team in the final. Argentina only beat a s**** netherlands team, a s**** belgium team and a s**** switzerland team. Having qualified against a s**** nigeria team a s**** bosnia team and a s**** iran team.


    Germany themselves only managed to beat a s**** host nation, a s**** frog side, a s**** Algerian team (AFTER EXTRA TIME - s****!), and they couldnt even beat a s**** Ghana side in the group stage.




    Don't be calling Nigeria shit fam.

  5. Probably still will, just be for market value.


    Not too disimilar to what that f***ing weirdo did before moving here,


    Agreed, just means Dortmund have a lot more leverage to negotiate with than they did before what with that clause an all.


    :lol: ow


    :lol: it's almost artistic.

  6. Him passing it backwards and sideways isn't pointless, far from it in fact. It pulls the opposition around and opens up space for others.


    Sadly we don't have the players who are intelligent to take advantage of what he's doing. It's not a video game where the game goes backwards and forwards like a yo yo, you create chances by being patient and open up initial space through players like him.




    This is such a great point, and it absolutely infuriates me.


    The number of times he has played it to Willo, in a position where he has space to then take the ball forward a bit and pull the opposition out of place, so he can then play the ball (on the ground!) back to Anita or another of the midfielders so they can turn and be in a position to open up the pitch man!


    Instead Willo looks at the ball in terror and just hoofs it ... he's an embarrassment.


    Anita plays the way he does in anticipation of others continuing to shift the ball quickly over short spaces as they then look to move into better positions.


    Everyone has to have at least a similar mentality or it just doesn't work.

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