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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. But how can you know fellow fans are making such an effort to stage a protest out of genuine concerns with the way the club is going, which are warranted by the way! And yet you still maintain that you must go to the match?!


    I need to understand this mindset, because it just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Why can they not go without this one game to make what would be an incredibly strong statement in support of their club, which is being terribly managed.


    What is going to this match achieving that is bigger than that? Please don't say supporting the lads. Because that is complete horseshit. Those guys need rescuing at this point, because no amount of support is helping them.


    I don't understand.

  2. Can't believe people can't give up one game, considering what is going on at the club, and considering we are so bad to watch anyway! It's actually incredible to me.

  3. Match day socialites man :lol: I haven't decided what I'm doing for the Spurs match but it's absolutely criminal to suggest anyone in attendance doesn't care about the club like.


    It's comments that this that make me believe that the protest is doomed to fail. Ya get the sense that a lot of fans would attend even should they arrive home from work to find half the first team squad in bed with their wife, Carver taking a poo in the sink and Ashley putting all their blue ray discs in different boxes.


    Howling!  ;D

  4. God ... can we just get a manager in who has some enthusiasm and courage for goodness sake. So sick and tired of hearing about stopping the other team.


    It's quite incredible, because you watch us and we look so pathetic defensively, every single time. Might as well just work on going forward and trying to score, and scrap all the defensive bollocks.





  5. I'm sorry  :lol:


    This is just all too much. We're blaming foreign DNA now huh?


    This is just so offensive I can't actually believe it.


    It's unbelievable to me that this guy has a job in football.

  6. This Pardew thing is unbearable  :lol:


    I'm just going to start punching people in the face for feeling the need to point out to me how he's now doing at Palace.


    When this thing starts going wrong I tell you ... I just pray he somehow gets the England job off of this, so that everyone in this country suffers terribly.

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