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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Allardyce is absolute vomit.


    To think this cretin has been celebrated this season, for supposedly getting his team plying better football.


    It was just a few weeks ago the ogre referred to himself as the most sophisticated manager in the league.



  2. Running a lot isn't any indication whatsoever of whether somebody is a good footballer. Who are the top 2?


    Bet it was Pardew's justification of why he was a top player. It's actually embarrassing he runs that much and yet is so ineffective. Pretty crazy.

  3. That's what I was thinking, isn't that a genuinely yank expression? :lol:


    :lol: Yeah! It's absolutely crazy!


    The term isn't even typically used in London or anywhere in the UK for that matter.


    It'll likely be a few of the young guys on the team that are into their hip hop and that bit of American culture that use the term.


    He's heard it off them, and has tried to be clever, and act like it's a common term that has always been a London thing even from back when he played.


    He's got serious problems. Couldn't believe it when I saw the quote.

  4. “We know every point in the Premier League is hard to earn and Saturday – I said it to the lads – it’s a free game because they are not expected to win


    Motivational stuff


    :lol: no way. It's a free game?! Just waiting for the season to end man. This is just painful.

  5. Pardew said: “No-one on the pitch was better than Puncheon. He pulled the strings and asked questions.


    There’s an old London term called a baller. And he’s a baller. He’ll play anywhere Punch, because he can handle the ball.


    :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish:


    :lol: As if that usage has its origins in London.


    :lol: He's a compulsive liar. Just makes it up as he goes along. Even in the most needless instances.

  6. Pardew said: “No-one on the pitch was better than Puncheon. He pulled the strings and asked questions.


    There’s an old London term called a baller. And he’s a baller. He’ll play anywhere Punch, because he can handle the ball.


    :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: :anguish:

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