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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. It's more the range of passes though. the majority of Anita's passes either go straight back to who passed to him (which he does an awful lot) or back to the nearest person.  There is no real penetration in any of them, to the point a lot of the time you could just skip him and get from A to B to row Z a little quicker.

  2. “Me, Woody and Steve Stone would have a laugh and joke about it – we’d say ‘do you think he will take us to England with him?’ “That was us – we’d have a bit of craic in the golf club. He was focused on this job, we used to have a laugh and joke about it.


    If this guy is made permanent manager, I don't think I could bother anymore. He's so terrible.


    How can someone be so unaware of how to speak and how to carry themselves, at his age? I actually find it a bit disturbing. He's a really inadequate person.

  3. Honestly ... the state of this wretch  :lol:



  4. I would actually like to see Abeid play as the holding midfielder with Anita being given a bit more freedom to be more forward thinking i.e. move further up the pitch a bit, and look to play forward passes on the ground.


    The thing is Anita is being used as an all out DM, and it's seriously curtailing him, as he has clearly been asked to sit deep and play the simple ball to others. Therefore you can kind of understand why he isn't as present or as involved in more positive play going forward.


    Now on the other hand, can someone explain what Jack Colback is? If Anita is the DM then shouldn't Colback be the one with more freedom to move about, get on the ball and dictate play with more forward passes? But he does none of these things. He's hardly ever seen int hat respect, and it doesn't make sense because he isn't being asked to play as deep as Anita is.


    Colback is really poor. I mean, I actually thought the guy would be better than this. He does nothing. I now understand why he was played on the left, and at left back a lot of times for Sunderland. He is clueless in midfield.


    For ages people said "let Anita play like he did for Ajax". For Ajax he sat in front of the defence and distributed. This is his game. He played most of his games under Pardew more B2B and he was poor. He's a natural DM that's why he's poor a bit further forward. He always looks for a safe pass. He doesn't know what to do except pass it sideways in the final third..



    This is his game. This is what he did for us to sign him. There's nothing more he can give.




    He's not box to box, no. that's not what I said he should play.


    He should be a centre mid that keeps possession and plays forward passes to our more creative players.


    For Ajax, although he played in front of the back four, he wasn't anchored there as rigidly. He had license to step up and play the ball forward to players who actually moved into space mind you!


    It's impossible to discuss Anita on here man. He will never do anything in this team, because for one no one moves into space to receive possession because it is clearly never worked on, and on top of that, he is playing so deep it's untrue. We definitely shouldn't keep him, not because he isn't good enough, but because we are ruining his life.

  5. I really worry about young talent in this country that play with a bit of flair and expression. They just get beat down.


    Happy for him that he managed to get out on loan to a team as good as Derby. Scored two goals in his debut for them over the weekend. One was a stunning free kick too.


    In the meantime the likes of Quinn and Meyler were featuring for Hull ...

  6. I would actually like to see Abeid play as the holding midfielder with Anita being given a bit more freedom to be more forward thinking i.e. move further up the pitch a bit, and look to play forward passes on the ground.


    The thing is Anita is being used as an all out DM, and it's seriously curtailing him, as he has clearly been asked to sit deep and play the simple ball to others. Therefore you can kind of understand why he isn't as present or as involved in more positive play going forward.


    Now on the other hand, can someone explain what Jack Colback is? If Anita is the DM then shouldn't Colback be the one with more freedom to move about, get on the ball and dictate play with more forward passes? But he does none of these things. He's hardly ever seen int hat respect, and it doesn't make sense because he isn't being asked to play as deep as Anita is.


    Colback is really poor. I mean, I actually thought the guy would be better than this. He does nothing. I now understand why he was played on the left, and at left back a lot of times for Sunderland. He is clueless in midfield.

  7. Of course it did. Terry is pure filth man  :lol:


    I mean I'm guessing she's Colombian? Odds are she is absolutely smoking hot.


    Terry's probably done his research as soon as Chelsea were linked, and set this whole thing up the dastardly perv.

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