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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Carver cowering in the dugout.

    If leaning casually on the side of the dugout is Cowering then :thup:


    Why on earth is he just chilling in there like that when we have been so awful? Some head coach huh? Way to give directions to help improve things.

    He doesn't have a clue how to improve things.


    I bet he struggled with his four times tables man.


    Hes looking so chilled and smug and he's well on his way to securing his spot on the English old boys gravy train.


    I'm genuinely surprised, because I thought he'd at least be giving some instructions and be in the technical area. Te guy is supposed to be a coach. He's a joke.

  2. Sissoko is bloody anonymous, if he is wanting a transfer he is going to have to play better than this imo


    If you think Sissoko is anonymous what the hell would you say of Colback He never gets on the ball! Sissoko had a shot earlier, and has had a couple of runs with the ball.


    Colback should be the one getting on the ball to get it forward to Perez, Cabella, Sammy and Sissoko.

  3. Empty vessels make the most noise man.


    All this noise is just confirmation that he has nothing about him, and he'll fail miserably.


    No one with anything about them would ever talk this much. It's absolutely ridiculous.


    A man should always let his actions state exactly what he is about, more so than his talk.

  4. Anyways ... seriously how can someone have so little dignity? Honestly, this level of desperation is just unbelievable.


    To see this so blatantly is just galling. Human nature is a hell of a thing. This guy has sold his soul just for a glimmer of notoriety.


    He's a pathetic excuse of a man. No strength or back bone whatsoever.

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