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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. I remember watching a reserve game before he went to Greece on loan and i was sitting in front of the coaching staff and Carver virtually spent the whole of match moaning about Abeid's performance,  got the impression that he didn't rate him at all. 

    Hopefully Mehdi has improved enough now to have changed JC's mind.


    The good news just keeps on coming ...

  2. We have to get battered tomorrow.


    Ah God we play tomorrow.


    First game at 12:30pm. So perfect to ruin your entire weekend before it really gets going at all.


    :lol: Who the f*** makes Newcastle vs Hull the first game.

    Bruce and Carver have to be the ugliest combination this season.


    Had to have it on as early as possible, so as not to scare the kids too close to bed time.

  3. We have to get battered tomorrow.


    Ah God we play tomorrow.


    First game at 12:30pm. So perfect to ruin your entire weekend before it really gets going at all.

  4. We have to get battered tomorrow. It will have a huge impact if so, particularly because Hull are garbage.


    It will put an immediate stop to anyone even trying to justify the Carver appointment.


    It will hopefully also frighten the hell out of the morons that put him there, and force them to realise that they need to get someone decent in, whenever that might be.


    Finally, it will also shut Carver up, and hopefully begin the process of forcing him to step down pronto.

  5. Ironic as it is Shola would have made a good centre half.


    What a load of s***. :lol:


    We'll lets see.


    He's slow, always out of position (offside), has a sloppy touch, a header that's all over the place, has no desire, loves a gentle stroll around the pitch ...


    Yup, makes no sense to me either  :lol:

  6. If this guy gives Chucky a chance I'll actually be impressed by that.


    I want to see the guy get some game time. He's a highly rates striker for goodness sake.


    Surely he must be better than Riviere?


    Well he was firing them in for the reserves/under 21s, and so he should have been rewarded with some time on the pitch to show what he could do.

  7. Yup, it's terrible. I can't imagine going from being the centre piece of my team, and considered one of the best midfielders in the league, to just then sitting on the bench every single game.


    It takes a lot of work getting to be in that position of recognition for your talent. To finally earn that, and then lose it for no other reason, other than joining a team that just buys excessively for the hell of it ... it's just crazy.

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