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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Oh, and welcome back Baba. Always good to have a fellow Naija man around.  :thup:



    I'm half Naija.


    Isn't that how charvas pronounce the name Nadia?


    Um, no.


    It's how the baddest guys on the planet acknowledge each other.


    Please show a bit of class.

  2. Oh, and welcome back Baba. Always good to have a fellow Naija man around.  :thup:



    I'm half Naija.


    No way!  :kasper:


    I always thought you were a quality poster. It all makes so much sense now. It's in the genes  :)


    Top man  :thup:

  3. Pards loves a 6 ft 4 man  :lol:


    Even one whose co-ordination is still all over the shop.


    He will ruin the guy. Imagine going from working with Wenger everyday, to working with Pardew  :lol:


    To be fair, at least the guy will get to play, purely because he's big and athletic. Such a predictable move by Pards.

  4. if we get a good manager like this it's imperative he hits the ground running like, if for nothing else than to show the press and wider football world how s**** pardew actually was


    combined with a palace relegation being the obvious preference


    Especially if he does it with players like Cabella and Anita heavily involved.


    God that would be sweeeeeeeeet!

  5. I don't know very much about Garde - this is just from reading this thread earlier.


    Earlier in this thread there was reports of defensive football - playing strikers on the wing. He used Lacazette outwide, the new manager has put him upfront - Lacazette is scoring for fun and Lyon are doing better in the league. If they're doing better in the league with "Garde's tactics" what was it about Garde that meant they didn't show it last season?


    I give Aulus primary credit for Lyon's youth academy. He decided to concentrate on investing in the youth academy - especially attacking players because he thought strikers where over-priced. The result was Sidney Govou, Karim Benzema, Hatem Ben Arfa and Loic Remy. They also made some excellent signings like Malouda.


    Houllier was Director of Youth Football or something for France when they won the WC but his own eye for genuine French talent was hit & miss.


    I don't like giving credit for successful systems that have a lot of investment & layers to individuals unless it is clear they're the primary influence (e.g. Carr).


    Bro, Garde was there last season when Lacazette arguably had his breakout season.


    He played him up front with Gomis, and Grenier just behind the two of them.

  6. Translated form Lyon fan (8.12.2013.):


    I want Lyon to be in on 5 or  6 place, with Lyon's players this is not problem, but for Garde it is. Lyon play most ugly football in France, now they are 13. with very good team. This few games we won, we were lucky, games we lose are usually without fight, and weakest teams in league 1 often earn points on Gerland. Tactical Lyon is awful, morale and mentality are also awful, there is no figthing spirit. I don't want to talk about players Garde wanted, he brought veterans like Mvuemba and he didn't call them because they are bad. I think he will terminate contract, he is not stupid.


    Other Lyon fan (2.9.2013.)


    For me Garde is ok, he has more positive then negative sides. His big problem is motivation.


    Probably there are gramatical errors, I tried to translate as best sa I can.  :rose:



    Hmmm ... would be interesting to peruse some Lyon Forums regarding Garde.


    I'd hope these fans were just struggling to come to terms with Lyon not being able to spend as much anymore and not being at the level they had been previously.


    Regardless, I'd still be happy with the guy. He's not Pardew and he has experience in France, so will actually respect the players being brought in.


    Cool with me.

  7. After all the uproar about there not being any black managers in the prem, how annoyed would they be if it was Shola


    If Shola is the solution to that issue, then let's leave things as they are please.

  8. Out of interest, is he the only one out of the foreign managers linked that has managed in the Champion's League? I'd say that is a plus point too.


    Favre has I think. De Boer too. So no.


    Ah, okay.


    Well at least he has that over Galtier and Tuchel it seems.


    I really like the fact he did so well with developing youth players. My God do we need that.


    Completely agree, especially at a time in recent history where we actually seem to be producing some players that "could" make it with the right coach in place.


    Exactly, and the club has been increasingly looking to bring in talented youth from outside too.

  9. Out of interest, is he the only one out of the foreign managers linked that has managed in the Champion's League? I'd say that is a plus point too.


    Favre has I think. De Boer too. So no.


    Ah, okay.


    Well at least he has that over Galtier and Tuchel it seems.


    I really like the fact he did so well with developing youth players. My God do we need that.

  10. "I can think of two really good sides I had at Newcastle," Pardew said. The one that finished fifth - in a way you've kind of won the league for a team like Newcastle when you do that."

    I really shouldn't read this s***.










    Genuinely getting so much pleasure from these quotes now. Absolutely howling over this stuff now he's gone.

  11. Carver back tracking his stance somewhat in saying he would be happy to stay at club under a new manager. Maybe he has been given the nod about RG?


    Just get him out. Desperate leech.

  12. Just want to back up what 'summerof69' has alreay exressed on here: Galtier is indeed very close to Pardew in terms of football philosophy and tactics. A major difference though, Galtier is a genuine bloke. He's a calm, quiet man, loved by his player and they are willing to fight and surpass themselves for him. He can bring a lot of stability into a club, but he'll never achieve anything special.


    If we after a french coach, I'd suggest Garde. It could be a real 'coup' in the same calibre as Wenger for Arsenal in 1996 and Garcia to Roma more recently.


    Would be intolerable if we don't get him in.

  13. Man if Carver flukes a result against Chelsea he will start running his mouth again, and letting Robson's name fly loosely from his mouth.


    The media will then start trumpeting him, and saying he deserves a chance, because he's English of course.


    Honestly, I am terrified of the possibility.

  14. Lee Ryder ‏@lee_ryder 9 mins9 minutes ago


    Shola Ameobi back at #nufc but only to get some treatment on an injury. Could be in line for a move to the #MLS




    Don't let this snake in the building. He will never leave!

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