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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. Could be like the Coloccini signing. Not announce anything for weeks but then Ashley rocks up to a match with Carver #1 on the back of his shirt.




    What an abject scenario man. Why even fathom such a thing?

  2. Garde has been recommended by chief scout Graham Carr, while owner Mike Ashley, who has been distracted by attempts in Scotland to push him out of power at Rangers, has given Charnley the authority to make a final decision, even though Charnley has never made a managerial appointment before.


    FOR f*** SAKE!!!


    What is the issue here? As far as I'm concerned Mike is not making the decision = Massive win. Especially with GC making the recommendation.


    Why on earth would Charnley be given the final say, ahead of Carr's recommendation?! What the hell does he know?




    Graham Carr is a scout, he's not going to get the final say on the new manager. Lee Charnley is the Managing Director, he won't necessarily know who to hire, but he will delegate that task to those working for him, namely Mr Carr. There is nothing out of the ordinary here. You should be happy that a decision is going to be made without Mike Ashley's involvement.




    True, but Graham Carr is vastly experienced in all areas of the game, I wtrust him ahead of anyone else involved with the club at the minute. Also, if the alternative is Carver till the end of the season, then it's a no brainer for me. I mean come on ... Carver? Really?


    Maybe Garde will accept a Pepe Mel type deal, until the end of the season. We can only hope and pray.

  3. Garde is not some scrub man. He managed Lyon in the Champion's League for goodness sake.


    He played a few year's in this country too, so it wouldn't be completely alien to him, and speaks English. He's also available and willing to start immediately.


    If Carr approves, enough faffing about. Get this shit done.

  4. Garde has been recommended by chief scout Graham Carr, while owner Mike Ashley, who has been distracted by attempts in Scotland to push him out of power at Rangers, has given Charnley the authority to make a final decision, even though Charnley has never made a managerial appointment before.


    FOR f*** SAKE!!!


    What is the issue here? As far as I'm concerned Mike is not making the decision = Massive win. Especially with GC making the recommendation.


    Why on earth would Charnley be given the final say, ahead of Carr's recommendation?! What the hell does he know?



  5. Garde has been recommended by chief scout Graham Carr, while owner Mike Ashley, who has been distracted by attempts in Scotland to push him out of power at Rangers, has given Charnley the authority to make a final decision, even though Charnley has never made a managerial appointment before.



  6. For goodness sake. If we turn this guy down when he is so eager for this gig man! Argh!


    Waiting till the summer is just madness. Utter madness. I hope Chelsea put 20 past stupid Carver this weekend. Fuck that.

  7. I'm still a bit concerned about Garde tbh. I guess I need more education on him.:


    Why did he leave Lyon ?

    Why has he not been re-employed since ?

    Was his record at Lyon good considering the size of that club in the French league and the players he had available ?

    Have Lyon progressed since he left ?

    How come Lcazette has been so good since he left (what was restricting him under Garde) ?

    His CV looks extremely light, is he just a Lyon ex pro, who they kept around the club for a feel good factor (ala Peter Beardsley for us) ?



    Wow ... talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.

  8. Anyone wanting to wait until the summer can kindly f*** off.


    No way. We need a decent manager now. We deserve a decent manager now. Sick of watching s*** football every week. No way should Carver be anywhere near the place for any length of time.

  9. Shola is an absolute disgrace. Already cried his way back home asking for handouts. Just piss off seriously. Grow up and go and make something of yourself elsewhere.


    Very good find


    How did he do well, produce decent teams and get good results though when he had little spending money and his star players sold? We've been told the last 3 years Pardew can't work in those conditions?


    Goes to show eh?


    If we can just get a decent manager man.


    It's clear we can still enjoy watching the team perform and achieve things, even with Ashley's quirks.

  11. Should have gone to Arsenal. The only high level club that really plays youngsters consistently.

    Man Utd


    Ha! No chance. They've packed that all in now. Trying to keep up with Man City and Chelsea's crass behaviour.


    It's funny, because Januzaj looked a real gem, and would have developed far more if he was playing more, which he kind of earned the right to a couple of season's back. Now the guy is gathering dust behind Mata, Di Maria, Herrera, Rooney, Van Persie and Falcao.

  12. Should have gone to Arsenal. The only high level club that really plays youngsters consistently.





    Arsenal are higher up than Ajax in terms of the competition he'll play against though. Fantastic club though, yes.

  13. Be happy with Garde like


    he's the least favoured on mine, he's beginning to read a lot like Pardew from the articles i've looked at


    In what way ?


    His tactics, concentrating on defending with midfielders, playing strikers out of position etc, Lacazette was used wide last season quite a bit and much less effective, this year with Garde gone he has been used more as a striker with much more effect (highest scorer in lique 1 i think)


    They were much more of a threat for the League when he was assistant but when he jumped up to head coach they seem much less of a threat


    this article mentions sitting back and inviting pressure and also playing with much more defensive tactics  :undecided:






    Pretty sure Garde played Lacazette and Gomis upfront, with a diamond midfield behind them. grenier was just behind the two strikers.

  14. The Northern Echo, says that Remi Garde wants the job and is hoping to talk to the club some time this week. Dont know how true that paper is.


    But, but, but no one would dare suffer the atrocities Alan had to? Surely not!

  15. Bit of a pointless exercise lots of this. What is the point of banners of Ashley out of our club etc.......He bloody owns it and will do whatever he wants, it is his club not ours. He will select a manager that suits his needs and future plans. Football has changed, managers do not exist in the old sense, they are now coaches. The people above choose who to buy, who to sell then it is up to the coach to get the best out of those players in terms of results and hopefully increase their value so that they can be sold at a profit. Probably the last manager I remember being given cart blanch to buy and sell was David O'Leary at Leeds. Bought a team to win the champions league and it totally backfired, a disaster they have yet to recover from.

    The whinging on here about us selling our best players and so on makes us look an absolute joke, did Manu not sell their best player Ronaldo, Liverpool and Suarez, Spurs and Bale? It goes on all the time because it is a business, it is not run to satisfy the whims of deluded supporters and the sooner we realise and accept that the better.


    Before you start to bleat, I am not new to this forum and I have supported Newcastle for over 60 years.


    I wish you nothing but misery in life.


    Wow  :lol:

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