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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. The texts sent by Mackay included references to a 'chink'. 'Nothing like a Jew that sees money slipping through his fingers,' read another. Whelan said he saw neither as offensive.


    "The Jews don’t like losing money. Nobody likes losing money,” Whelan told the Guardian. “Do you think Jewish people chase money a little bit more than we do? I think they are very shrewd people. I think Jewish people do chase money more than everybody else. I don’t think that’s offensive at all.”


    "We’re all against racism in football," Whelan continued. "If any Englishman said he has never called a Chinaman a chink he is lying. There is nothing bad about doing that. It is like calling the British Brits."






    :o :yikes: :kasper:

  2. How has Colback unexpectedly come through by the way?!  :lol:


    He hasn't had to prove a damn thing, was forced straight into the team and never been taken out.


    The winning mentality thing is just so offensive and obscene it isn't even worth commenting on it. The guy is seriously disturbed.

  3. It was also 4-1.


    Pards from that day:


    We didn't look like we wanted it as much as they did," said Pardew.


    "We've got to be braver and be up to the fight - Millwall kept it scrappy and we couldn't cope with it.


    "Our back four were inept. We have had defensive frailties all year and they have come back to haunt us. Tomas Repka cost us a couple of goals."


    He added: "Hayden Mullins and Anton Ferdinand are ready for a chance now.


    "I cannot offer any excuses. We've let all of our fans down today as well as ourselves."




    Throwing the foreign guy under the bus there then. Classic Pardew.


    Those comments are still the same rubbish rhetoric he uses today. up for the fight, scrappy, up for it, get stuck in, put a tackle in, passion, hunger ... just nonsensical. Particularly from this coward of a manager.


    Get out!

  4. "Against Millwall, I lost 4-0. Can you imagine the West Ham manager losing 4-0 to Millwall and surviving? That steeled me for what’s happened in Newcastle. Your credibility, your respect everything goes out of the window. You have to fight to get it back."


    So just useless at all derby games.


    'Being s*** at my job prepared me for people saying i'm s*** at my job'


    This is essentially what he has said  :lol: :lol: :lol:


    It's truly amazing  :lol:


    Get this clown out of here!

  5. HTT  :thup:


    He needs to play a regularly, and get used to seeing the ball regularly in order to develop the traits people are saying he doesn't have.


    He really should be looking to leave the club, and go somewhere that he is always going to be in the team, and where he'll be given freedom to play.

    He should have done this a few years ago tbh.


    Can't see it happening with Pardew, unfortunately.

  6. It's quite amazing how much footballers over here can get away with. He is essentially a nothing player, but despite what he's done, he still gets opportunities to play football at a pretty decent level, and for a good pay. This guy was caught on camera punching a woman, it's amazing to me.

  7. Yea, who do you see with a whole lot of potential?


    For me its three of the West Ham players, Collison, Noble and Hines. I can see Noble leaving to a bigger team in a few years.


    Everton have Dan Gosling and I can see him excelling to the next level, too.


    Obviously Machida from Man U.


    So who do you guys think will be the next Gerrards and Lampards? Any league, btw.




    Top scouting that, obviously.


    Maaaaaaan that's shocking!  :lol:



  8. I'm not sure it will happen for Cabella out wide. I'm worried.


    I'd love to see us play a diamond, as it gets rid of this winger problem, which Pardew can't utlilise properly.


    If everyone is fit. Cabella could slot in behind De Jong and Cisse/Ayoze. With a midfield three of Colback, Abeid and Sissoko.


    Will our esteemed manager ever try this though? No chance in hell.

  9. I really like Gouffran, but Pardew has ruined his life. The guy was scoring 1 every other game in France playing as a lone forward. A hard working striker that worked the channels, and got on the end of through balls, with a decent finish. Now look at the state of him. Pardew up until now, hasn't respected the guy as a striker, for reasons unbeknown to us all.



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