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Posts posted by KaKa

  1. We're a week away and here come the excuses ...


    "It’s a time where we lose all our big players, and they come back and we’re going to have two days to prepare for a massive game. It’s a big, big chance for us to get our win in the next home game. We’ve got to try and take it.”



  2. Love reading what mackems think about NUFC in our local rag like.


    We get enough of that in the polls. Any sane owner would notice there was a problem when your local rivals are desperate for you to keep a manager.


    They're even singing for him not to be sacked in matches where they aren't playing us. How humiliating is that?  :lol:

  3. The players are still playing for Pardew so he must be doing something right.


    Have seen this said a lot recently.


    We haven't won a game for centuries, and have accumulated record low points over a period of time, and people can still say this absolute garbage, and feel clever.


    So infuriating.



  4. Just to get you in the weekend mood ... Chris Waddle.


    Be warned this could actually make you top yourself.

    “The one thing you don’t want when walking onto the pitch is fans holding banners up with ‘manager out’. The players are still playing for Pardew so he must be doing something right. I was at the Stoke City game and Newcastle played very well. They just couldn’t grab a goal.


    “They dug in against Swansea and got a good result after going down to 2-0, so you can’t say the players aren’t giving it everything. But sometimes you have to be realistic and say ‘how good are the team?’ Currently, they’re on par with the teams in the bottom half of the league.”


    “People might say they’re better than that, but does that mean you get a new manager in who can get more out of his team?


    “Personally I don’t think you can. If a new manager comes in, he’d say to Mike Ashley ‘I need to bring in three or four players to make this team stronger’. Alan Pardew could probably say the same thing right now, but they haven’t got the budget at the minute so what’s the point in bringing a new manager in if he’s going to work from the same sort of line?”



  5. I can't believe people watch Ronaldo and can't see he is nowhere near the team player someone like Zidane is. And honestly, saying he scores so many therefore he can shoot whenever is letting him off big time. The guy is really selfish at times. Shooting from distance when someone else can be played in is not good team play no matter what your goal scoring record is.


    He is a very forceful personality in general. Going a bit off what TCD has just said about his attitude, you see it very evidently a lot more for Portugal. Always demanding the ball, and throwing strops when it isn't given to him, even though he then doesn't do the same as often for others. The team is almost held back by him a lot of the time, as they are always looking for him. I mean that team has the talent to be far better, but it doesn't function well together. It's often the Ronaldo show.

  6. Yeah, the goals scored thing isn't the be all and end all for me.


    I imagine the likes of Zidane could have scored a lot more if he was more selfish, but that wasn't really his mindset.


    Ronaldo is incredibly selfish at times no doubt, he's just more single minded that way. Far less of a team player when you actually watch his game.

  7. It would actually be great if we just signed the players this idiot wants, as he will then have nowhere to hide when they are all shite.


    He's got it easy always blaming the players in some form or the other as it is. As he always then claims didn't sign them.

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